250+ Converting Images Affiliate Marketers Are Using On Their Native Advertising Campaigns

May 21, 2018



TheOptimizer Team

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A team of neuroscientists from MIT has found that the human brain can process entire images that the eye sees for as little as 13 milliseconds. This speed is far faster than the 100 milliseconds suggested by previous similar studies. For this simple reason, affiliate marketers are always looking for eye-popping images to use in their display advertising campaigns.

In native advertising, the importance of an attention-grabbing image is almost equal to a highly appealing headline. When these two are properly coupled together click-through rate and conversion rate tend to be higher than the average.

To save you the trouble and time needed to do your own research on what the top converting images look like, we are sharing with you a collection of 250+ images used by affiliate marketers in their native advertising campaigns in 2018. Click here to download a copy of this collection.

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