TheOptimizer Blog

Webinar: Tested Optimization Strategies for Running Profitable Meta Ads
GuidesMeta Ads

Webinar: Tested Optimization Strategies for Running Profitable Meta Ads

Check out these tested optimization strategies that helped 5-figure a day Meta Ad buyers scale their campaigns profitably without wasting their life behind screens.

June 21, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

Webinar: TheOptimizer Secrets to Scaling, Automating, and Crushing ROI

Webinar: TheOptimizer Secrets to Scaling, Automating, and Crushing ROI

Learn how to leverage’s latest features, reporting upgrades, automation rules, bulk launching, and expert tips to boost your campaign profits.

April 19, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

5 Tested Automatic Rules for Optimizing Your Meta Search Arbitrage Campaigns
FacebookGuidesMeta Ads

5 Tested Automatic Rules for Optimizing Your Meta Search Arbitrage Campaigns

Search arbitrage media buyers waste thousands of dollars a month testing different strategies on Meta Ads before finding success. But what if there was a way to cut your losses, boost your profits, and streamline your workflow? These 5 automatic optimization rules are the unfair advantage you’ve been missing. Before you begin! Please note that thresholds and time zones defined in the following rules are for reference purposes only! It is highly recommended to adjust performance thresholds to your actual thresholds, as well as adjust the time zone settings to your ad account reporting time zone or another time zone that fits your needs. Cut Non-Promising Campaigns Part of your day-to-day process is that of regularly launching new campaigns daily. This process helps you find new winning campaigns, but at the same time increases your ad spend and the possibility of generating bigger losses from testing. This optimization rule will help you minimize your ad spend waste by automatically turning off non-promising campaigns on time. Rule explanation: The rule checks if a campaign has been running for more than 4 days and if it has generated less than 40 conversions. It also checks the ROI between the last 2 and 4 days, and for yesterday if it is worse than negative -30%. Additionally, the rule targets the hour of day at which the actions are executed. Here we select the ad account time zone and combine it with the execution frequency of every 1 hour. The goal of this rule is to pause newly launched campaigns if after 4 days of running the campaign hasn’t reached the break-even zone.   Detect Performance Dips The purpose of this rule is to detect negative performance changes in a good campaign and prevent losses before it wastes any profits generated so far. It aims to identify campaigns that have been performing well but have recently experienced significant performance decreases. Rule explanation: The rule checks if the tracker ROI between the last 4 to 2 days has been greater than 10% and if the ROI for yesterday has been less than negative -10%. In addition, it checks if the CPA has a 50% increase compared to the CPA between the last 6 and 2 days. It executes the next day after the previous day’s revenue has been finalized by using the Hour of Day condition in combination with the execution frequency of every 1 Hour.   Clone Winning Ad Sets The purpose of this rule is to help you scale your Meta campaigns horizontally by detecting and cloning winning ad sets 2 times each 3 times a week. Rule explanation: The rule evaluates the performance of your Meta campaign ad sets over two-time intervals: the last 6 to 3 days and the last 2 to 1 days. If the performance is greater than 15% in both intervals, the rule initiates a cloning action. Additionally, the rule incorporates an Hour of Day condition, which restricts the cloning to occur only three times a week, specifically at 1 am in the ad account’s time zone. This condition is implemented by combining it with an execution frequency of every 1 hour.   Scale Winning Ad Sets The purpose of this rule is to help you automatically scale the budget of your winning ad sets or campaigns by automatically increasing the ad set or campaign budget by a specific % of the current budget. Rule explanation: The rule checks if your ad set or campaign has more than 50 conversions in the last 7 days (excluding today). Then it checks if the ROI of your campaign or ad set between the last 6 to 3 days and 2 to 1 days is greater than 20%. By using an Hour of Day condition in combination with the execution frequency of 1 hour it makes sure to update the budget only 3 times a week at 1 am your specified time zone (ad account time zone). Once all these conditions are true, it increases the budget by 40% of the current budget by respecting the minimum and maximum budget limits.   Low-Performance Alerts The purpose of this is pretty straightforward. What it does is alert you if any of your Meta campaigns or ad sets are running on a negative ROI for more than 4 days. Rule explanation: The rule checks if your campaign or ad set has less than 30 conversions over the last 5 days. It also checks if the ROI between the last 4 to 3 days, 3 to 2, and 2 to 1 days is worse than negative -10%. It executes every 2 hours and sends an alert via email, slack, or telegram with the names of your Meta campaigns or ad sets that meet the rule conditions. No optimization action is executed.   Running search arbitrage campaigns shouldn’t be a struggle. These simple-to-implement rules put campaign optimization on autopilot, giving you the freedom to scale your winners and ditch the losers without breaking a sweat. It’s time to work smarter, not harder, on your Meta Ads.  

March 28, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

6 Useful Tips for Successful Meta Campaigns in 2024
Meta AdsGuides

6 Useful Tips for Successful Meta Campaigns in 2024

Ever get that sinking feeling that your Meta campaigns are a black hole for your budget? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. In fact, Meta Ads (aka. Facebook Ads) has changed a lot over the past few years and media buyers like you and me have to constantly change the way we buy traffic to get the desired results. Let’s go over a quick checklist of things you need to keep present before launching your next Meta campaigns in 2024. Conversion API Tracking and Attribution As new regulations are being constantly added to the online advertising industry, so are the tracking limitations too. Since Apple’s IOS 14 privacy move, we saw that relying on website pixels is not sustainable anymore. In fact, new privacy changes have been introduced by major browsers like Firefox and Chrome by putting an end to 3rd party cookies. What this means is that you need to move from relying on website pixels to Conversion API solutions. By making this move, you will be able to accurately track your Meta campaigns performance and have a clear understanding of where results are coming from, while still being able to feed Meta Ads with the right conversion signals and user information it uses to optimize your campaigns. If you don’t have any idea where to get started with Conversion API, I would recommend checking out It offers a pretty solid conversion API solution for Meta and the team behind it is always ready to help if you need a hand with the setup.   Meta Ads Audience Targeting Back in the days, it was pretty easy to deal with Facebook Ads (now Meta Ads). All you had to do was combine the right targeting options with the right ads to build up your optimal audience and boom, you had a decent campaign running. Now with all the privacy changes imposed by government regulations, you’d rather go for broad targeting instead of picking specific audience interest. To put it simple, adding interest targeting to your ad sets will likely increase your CPMs without providing any additional benefits in terms of results. So unless you are promoting a niche product or service, I would highly recommend going broad.   Meta Ads Creative Testing Meta Ads (aka. Facebook Ads) continues to be a creative centric platform. Before anything else, Meta focuses on creative engagement – after all people hang on Facebook and instagram to get entertained or be informed. So one of the most important things for a creative is to drive a healthy amount of engagement. Think of likes, positive comments, and clicks. If you are planning to test image ads, it is very important to test angles and design styles separately. In case you are into video ads, that applies there too. Whether you are doing stock image and footage animations with voiceovers or UGC-style ads, make sure to separate the angles, actors, and video styles accordingly. Pro tip: If you’re going to use UGC video ads, make sure your first couple of seconds have a strong thumb-stopping hook. Thought-provoking or controversial statements help a lot with that.   Meta Ads Budget Allocation Still to this day, Meta Ads is looking for at least 50 conversions in 7 days for your campaign (or ad set) before it exits the learning phase. So allocating the budget wisely is crucial for your campaigns or ad sets. Instead of allocating random budgets from what you feel right to test waters, do some basic calculations and allocate the right budget amount for your goal CPA. Example – You want to collect auto insurance leads at $20 per lead. Min Daily Leads: 50 Convs ÷ 7 Days = Around 7 leads/day Daily Budget: 7 leads x $20 = $140 /day You can always test the waters with smaller budgets, but the chances of you getting out of the learning phase on time and being able to scale your campaigns fast enough are pretty low.   Funnel Optimization for Meta Ads The best tool you can use to pitch your products and services after the prospect has clicked on your ads is your landing page. There is where you can further capture your prospects’ attention using the power of story-telling or make them engage in a smooth and fun to interact questionnaire. Adding landing pages to your funnels gives you the ability to further refine your angles and optimize your funnels by A/B testing different angles or landing page styles to see what resonates best with your audience. Pro tip: Make sure to A/B test one element of your landing page at a time as well as isolate landing page testing from creative testing. Testing multiple creative and landing page elements all at once often leads to unreliable results. Check out if you’re getting started with landing pages, or looking to upgrade your current landing page solution. It is packed with hundreds of ready-to-use landing page templates you can easily customize through its fully-fledged visual builder, run A/B test experiments, as well as collect and access lead information without having to deal with 3rd party tools.   Meta Ads Campaign Optimization and Automation There are two types of Meta media buyers. Those who launch and manage a handful of campaigns on a monthly basis, and there are those who launch tens if not hundreds of campaigns a day and manage hundreds or thousands of campaigns at any point in time. If you belong to those that run a handful of campaigns, you can handle most of your campaign optimization tasks manually on your own. However, if you’re one of those who consistently launches 10s of campaigns every day, and manages hundreds or thousands of campaigns simultaneously, then you need a solid automation solution. By adding an automation solution to your media buying routine you will be able to launch more campaigns while spending less time, detect your campaign performance changes, cut out losers and scale winners without having to waste your days behind your ads manager. TheOptimizer offers you the power to do all of that from a single dashboard. Besides all the automation capabilities, TheOptimizer allows you to bring hundreds of Meta ad accounts in one single dashboard, so no more need to jump from one ad account to another.   In conclusion, Meta campaigns in 2024 require a strategic approach considering conversion API tracking, audience targeting, creative testing, budget allocation, funnel optimization, and campaign optimization and automation. By following this checklist and incorporating the recommended tools, you can effectively handle the ever-changing Meta Ads and achieve successful campaign outcomes. Remember, adaptation and continuous optimization are key to staying ahead in the ever-changing digital advertising environment.  

March 28, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

How to Leverage The Campaign Start Date for Success
New FeaturesGuides

How to Leverage The Campaign Start Date for Success

You can pour your heart and soul into crafting the perfect ad campaign, but the truth is that not every campaign is destined to succeed. From the campaign start date to the day it breaks even, there are so many variables involved that sometimes it feels like a guessing game when it comes to finding winners. Remember, each campaign you launch gets served to a different audience, who reacts differently to your creatives, angles, offers, etc. So, instead of throwing good money after bad campaigns, there’s a smarter way for you to handle these situations. Frequent Use Cases Campaign Start Date in Campaign Mass Launching If you’re launching multiple campaigns on a daily basis you may already know that most of these campaigns will end up getting stopped if they don’t reach specific KPIs within a given time. Challenge: For instance, if you’re mass-launching campaigns on Meta you know that it might take 2-3 days of running before a campaign starts showing promising results. So you have to consider that and carefully monitor your campaigns daily to make sure that you’re stopping bad campaigns on time. If not, you can easily waste hundreds of $$ on bad campaigns. The Solution: Instead of handling this process manually, you simply create an automatic rule that stops all bad-performing campaigns automatically. Campaign Start Date for Controlling Bids One of the best practices for running native advertising campaigns is that of starting a campaign with a high bid, then after a while dropping it to a more conservative level. Doing so helps you get over the initial learning phase quicker as well as test your ads against the top publisher sites where the competition is higher and you generally need a higher bid. The Challenge: While resetting bids to a more conservative level manually, can be an easy task if you’re only launching 2-3 campaigns a week. It becomes pretty challenging when you launch tens of campaigns each day. You have to remember when you launched the campaign, analyze each campaign’s data, and then lower your bid at the right time. The Solution: Create an automatic rule that resets your campaign bid to a specific level based on your campaign’s actual performance. Campaign Start Date for Scaling Winners Every traffic source has its own campaign learning phase and optimization cycles. So before you start scaling a potential campaign, you have to make sure you’re following these cycles and systematically adopting your scaling strategy according to each traffic source. The Challenge: Tracking the launch date of multiple campaigns, and analyzing each campaign and ad group results manually is pretty challenging even for the most organized media buyers. Most buyers scale their campaigns quite randomly ending up doing quite the opposite of what the traffic source algorithm needs. As a result, turning a potentially profitable campaign in a looser. The Solution: Create automatic rules to increase your campaign or ad group budgets automatically in steps after X days if the campaigns or ad groups are showing potential results. Obviously, there are way more situations worth looking at or that need to be addressed using automation, but that would make this post extremely long and hard to follow. Let’s move on to the good stuff and learn how to set up these automatic rules.   How to Add Campaign Start Date in Rules With the help of automatic optimization rules on TheOptimizer platform, you can automatically pause campaigns or ad groups, change bids and budgets, or run other important optimization actions based on the start date of your campaign. To use the campaign start date in rules, create an automatic rule of your choice and add any prequalifying conditions like ROI, spend, etc. Then add “Campaign Start Date” as a condition. Choose from “Greater Than”, “Greater Than or Equal To”, “Less Than”, or “Less Than or Equal To” in the list of logical operators. Then, select the option for using the current date or a specific date. When using the current date, you can use the logic of “current date minus X days” to look back in the past, or “current date plus X days” to look forward into the future days. When using a specific date, you are simply executing actions based on a specific date. For example, if “If campaign start date is greater than March 28, 2024” To put it simply, use “current date” minus or plus a specific number of days when you want to run an action relative to the start date of a campaign. Alternatively, use a specific date if you want to run an action before or after a specific event, such as the end of a promotional campaign or the start of another one. Log in to your account, or sign up for a free trial today and experience the power of automated campaign management.

March 18, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

Using Automatic Rules to Detect Performance Dips and Take Action
New FeaturesGuides

Using Automatic Rules to Detect Performance Dips and Take Action

How to identify and address your campaigns’ performance drops before they significantly impact your profits and ROI…

March 12, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

How to Automatically Optimize Google Display Ads Placements
Google AdsNew Features

How to Automatically Optimize Google Display Ads Placements

If you’ve been struggling with optimizing your Google Display Ads Placements recently, rest assured – you’re not alone!  As the Google Display Network continues to expand, navigating through the ocean of potential ad placements has become increasingly difficult. And if you’ve done this for a while, you probably know that not all these placements are good.  In this article, we’ll explore some general optimization tips, and share a new feature that will put an end to your struggles and allow you to fully automate placement exclusion.  First, let’s start with the basics. What Are Google Display Ads Placements? Essentially, Google Display Ads Placements refer to the specific locations where your ads are shown within the Google Display Network.  These placements can be a variety of partner websites, mobile sites & apps, or even Google-owned properties such as Gmail or YouTube. Why Are Google Ads Placements so Important? Google Display Network includes millions of different websites or apps where your ads can be shown.  While gaining more exposure may seem beneficial, irrelevant or low-quality sites can damage your campaign performance.  Being able to show your ads in the right places can significantly improve your click-through rates and safeguard your budget from low-quality sites that do not align with your objectives. All these factors contribute to getting higher quality clicks, significantly boosting your ROI (return on investment) for your Google display campaigns.  How to Optimize Placements Directly on Google Ads 1. Optimize your Targeting Google has gone a long way in helping advertisers optimize their display campaigns, especially with their advanced targeting options.  When creating a new display campaign, you can now specify: Audience segments: who should see your ads based on demographics (age, gender, income), interests & habits (sports & fitness), etc.  Keywords: terms related to your advertised offer, based on which Google will target relevant websites.  Topics: select subjects, and Google will look for websites or apps centered around these subjects (e.g., computers & electronics).  Placements: you can even select specific websites or pages of a site where your ad will be displayed.  You can add all these options under Targeting when creating a Google Display campaign.  You can also apply Optimized Targeting, an option that uses Google AI to analyze your creatives/landing pages, and automatically find the appropriate audiences to show your ads to.  2. Optimize with Exclusion Lists While optimizing your targeting is crucial, it still does not address the issue of your ads being displayed on low-quality junk sites.  This is why some advertisers use Exclusion Lists. An Exclusion List is exactly what it sounds like – a list of placements that will be excluded from your campaigns. You can create one through your Google Manager Account. You can exclude placements based on your own experience (junk sites you’ve dealt with in your past), exclude certain topics or categories, or use ready-made exclusion lists created by other advertisers.  Optimized targeting and exclusion lists are a great way to improve your campaign performance, but there are no guarantees that you will be profitable with these options. While a placement may be relevant to your targeting and is outside your exclusion list, it does not necessarily mean it will perform well. Also, Google continuously adds new placements to their network, so exclusion lists can only go so far.  You will still need to review your performance reports daily, detect underperforming placements, and manually pause these placements on Google Ads. This is especially important if you are advertising with large budgets, and it can be extremely time-consuming. How to Exclude Low Quality Google Display Ads Placements Automatically There is an easier way to optimize placements, and it can be entirely automated!  TheOptimizer has just launched a new, unique feature that automatically syncs your Google Ads (and third-party tracker) data, and it excludes placements that are not profitable through a simple automation rule.   In the example below, we are creating a rule that will automatically exclude placements that are receiving bot clicks. Given the average click-through-rate (CTR) of 0.2% – 1.5% on Google Display campaigns, we can confidently assume that a CTR of 20% is most likely fraudulent.  You can fully customize these conditions (choose over 50 available metrics) to reflect your own optimization strategy, select specific campaigns, and let the rule run as often as every 10 minutes up to weekly.  This feature will be a game-changer for performance marketers running Google Display campaigns, and TheOptimizer is one of the only tools that is offering this at the moment. Use Case: Automatically Optimizing Google Ads Placements for Content Arbitrage Content arbitrage is one industry that will highly benefit from this new feature.  When you are operating with such large budgets and testing so many different sites, you need to optimize aggressively on placements.  Often times, media buyers running content arbitrage campaigns also utilize third-party trackers, such as AssertiveYield, for more granular data. In this case, to be able to properly optimize Google Ads placements, you would need to review your performance data on AssertiveYield, pinpoint all underperforming placements, and manually pause them on Google Ads. This makes the optimization process even more complex and time-consuming.  With TheOptimizer’s new placement exclusion feature, and the platform’s direct integration with top industry trackers (including AssertiveYield and Google Analytics), you can fully automate this process with 100% accuracy. In a single report, you will be able to see placement data from both Google Ads and AssertiveYield, and you can set up automation rules that will automatically exclude unprofitable placements (like in the rule example we showed earlier).  Other Google Ads Optimization Strategies with TheOptimizer Apart from excluding placements, TheOptimizer also allows you to automate other parts of your Google Ads campaign optimization processes.  Similarly to pausing underperforming placements, you can also pause campaigns, ad groups, or ads through automation rules.  You can adjust campaign bids and budgets based on performance, as well as optimize on keyword level for your Google Search campaigns.  Finally, you can use TheOptimizer to automatically clone top-performing Google ad groups, and apply dayparting to all your campaigns.  For more general Google Ads tips, read our deep dive article here. Conclusion If you are running Google Display campaigns, you need to ensure that you are properly optimizing your ad placements for better results.  You can optimize your placements directly on Google Ads – by refining your targeting and leveraging exclusion lists – or you can fully automate this process with TheOptimizer’s new placement exclusion feature, which will save you an immense amount of time and effort on a daily basis. 

February 9, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

How to Automatically Duplicate TikTok Campaigns in 2 Easy Ways
New FeaturesTikTok

How to Automatically Duplicate TikTok Campaigns in 2 Easy Ways

If you’re currently trying to scale your TikTok campaigns, you’re probably already familiar with the process of duplicating. It’s a quick and effective strategy, but it’s also time-consuming.   We have a way to automatically duplicate TikTok campaigns and set a custom budget, and it’s very simple to follow. In this article, we will show you how to successfully do this with examples. When to Duplicate TikTok Campaigns When scaling profitable TikTok campaigns, you generally have two options – scale vertically by increasing campaign budgets, or scale horizontally by duplicating top campaigns.   Increasing campaign budgets is often a solid strategy, but it comes with limitations. TikTok does not recommend increasing budgets by more than 20% at a time, making it difficult to scale effectively.  There is also no certainty that increasing the budget will boost your returns – sometimes it can lead to ad oversaturation, increased competition, and higher CPCs (cost per click). This is why advertisers often prefer duplicating top campaigns instead. Why Set a Custom Budget for Duplicated TikTok Campaigns? Until now, duplicating campaigns on TikTok only allowed you to make changes after the new campaign was live. With TheOptimizer, you can now manually or automatically duplicate TikTok campaigns with your desired new budgets.  If you are aiming to scale faster, you can create duplicate campaigns with a budget higher than 20% of the original, without hindering the success of your initial campaign. You can also test different budget allocations and review their impact on performance.   There are two ways you can do this with TheOptimizer. How to Duplicate TikTok Campaigns Manually with TheOptimizer Under Campaign view, you can see performance metrics on all your TikTok campaigns. Select the campaign you wish to duplicate and click on the Clone icon:  Here, you will need to specify how many copies of the campaign to set live, and select the new budget. You can choose a fixed value or increase/decrease the existing budget by a certain percentage, like in the example below:  How to Duplicate TikTok Campaigns Automatically with TheOptimizer To save more time and speed up the scaling process, you can also leverage TheOptimizer’s cloning automation rule.  Let’s say we want to clone campaigns that have already spent over $100 in the past 3 days and resulted in an ROI greater than 20%. You can select these conditions under Rules. To increase the chance of success for the newly cloned campaigns, you can also pre-determine a moment when they should go live. Generally, you can do this at the start of the day to ensure the budget is spread out evenly throughout the day. You can change the timezone to match your TikTok account timezone.  Finally, you can specify the new budget and budget caps. Apply this rule to any selected campaigns, schedule it to run as often as needed, and get notified whenever an action is triggered.  Duplicating TikTok Campaigns with New Budgets: Conclusion Duplicating profitable TikTok campaigns is an effective way to scale faster while avoiding the risks and limitations of budget increases.  TheOptimizer offers a unique feature that allows you to clone TikTok campaigns with custom budgets, either manually or automatically through rules.  If you are also looking for an efficient way to duplicate TikTok and Facebook ads, here is our guide on how to manage this with TheOptimizer.

February 2, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Apply Bulk Bid and Budget Adjustments with TheOptimizer
New FeaturesFacebookNativeTikTok

Apply Bulk Bid and Budget Adjustments with TheOptimizer

We are happy to announce our newest feature that will allow you to apply bulk bid and budget adjustments for an enhanced campaign optimization process.  In this article, we will discuss what this feature entails, how it can help you simplify your campaign management, and we will look at specific use cases with examples. The Problem If you have multiple campaigns, ad groups, ads, or publisher sites with varying bids and budgets, it’s very time-consuming to adjust all budgets or bids separately.  For example, if you wish to increase all bids by 20%, you first need to calculate how much 20% of all current bids is, and apply the changes one by one. Apart from taking up too much time, this way of managing bids and budgets is also more prone to mistakes, which eventually leads to avoidable budget waste. The Solution With TheOptimizer’s new feature, this entire process can be done in just a few clicks. You will be able to select as many campaigns, ads, ad sets, or publishers you need to adjust, and apply bid and budget increases/decreases, either by a fixed amount or by a percentage. All calculations will be done by our system, leaving no room for errors.  Let’s have a look at several use cases for our top ad networks to see how this new feature can help you optimize your campaigns in practice. Facebook Apply Bulk Campaign Budget Adjustments for Facebook Let’s say you are reviewing your Facebook data on TheOptimizer, and you notice a few campaigns have been performing exceptionally well recently.  With the new bulk actions, you can now select these top-performing campaigns and increase their budget at once.  For this use case, we want to apply a bulk budget increase of 15% for all selected Facebook campaigns. You have the option to adjust the budget by a certain percentage or set a fixed budget value. You can also optionally apply budget caps to ensure the new budget stays within a certain range.  Finally, you can preview the changes before applying them. With this preview, you can see the calculated value of the new budgets.  Apply Bulk Ad Set Bid and Budget Adjustments for Facebook If you are using ad set daily budgets instead, you can also replicate the same process as above on an ad set level.  TikTok Apply Bulk Campaign Budget Adjustments for TikTok You can also optimize your TikTok campaigns with TheOptimizer’s new bulk actions.  In the example below, we are applying a 15% budget increase on the campaign level and previewing the changes before approving the new budgets. Apply Bulk Ad Group Bid and Budget Adjustments for TikTok Similarly, you can apply bulk bid and budget changes to selected TikTok ad groups. You can increase or decrease bids and budgets using a percentage calculation or set them to a fixed value.  Taboola Apply Bulk Campaign Bid and Budget Adjustments for Taboola If you are advertising on native platforms such as Taboola or Outbrain, you can also apply bulk budget and bid changes on a campaign level.  For the use case below, we have selected several Taboola campaigns we wish to test with a lower budget. We are applying a global 10% budget decrease. Apply Bulk Site Bid Adjustments for Taboola A big part of being successful with native advertising is being able to effectively manage publisher sites.  If you have identified a few publisher sites with good performance, you can bulk increase the site bid to scale faster. In this specific use case for Taboola, we are increasing the bid by 15%, but ensuring that it does not go higher than 80% of our reported EPC (earning per click). Outbrain Apply Bulk Campaign Bid and Budget Adjustments for Outbrain You can also optimize your Outbrain campaigns by using TheOptimizer’s bulk actions on a campaign level. You can adjust campaign bids and budgets, as well as change target CPAs in one go.   Apply Bulk Section Bid Adjustments for Outbrain When advertising on Outbrain, you also need to optimize on a section level. Due to the large number of sections, this task can become very tedious when done directly on the platform.  With the bulk section bid adjustment, you can make global changes and preview the results before applying them. In this case, we are increasing the section bid by 15%, but ensuring the new bid does not go higher than the earning per click value. Apply Bulk Bid and Budget Adjustments with TheOptimizer: Conclusion Effectively managing bids and budgets for all campaign levels plays a critical part in your success as an advertiser. Between managing multiple ad networks, and campaigns, and trying to allocate your budget correctly, it can become time-consuming to manage everything separately.  TheOptimizer’s bulk bid and budget manager is a game-changer, and it’s currently not available on any traffic source. You can stay ahead of the competition by simplifying your bid & budget management for better results, and save an immense amount of time and money doing so. For more feature use cases with TheOptimizer, read our article about duplicating ads on Facebook and TikTok here.

January 30, 2024

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

What is Social to Search Arbitrage and How Does it Work?

What is Social to Search Arbitrage and How Does it Work?

If you are currently running, or planning on starting, social to search arbitrage campaigns, this guide is for you. It has everything you need to know, including a comparison of the top ad networks & search feed providers, information on tracking & campaign setup, and tips on how to optimize your campaigns. What is Social to Search Arbitrage? Social to search arbitrage involves buying social media traffic through paid ads, and redirecting it to a parked domain (i.e., monetization page) displaying related search results. These monetization pages are provided by companies such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo, and each search result represents an ad for which other advertisers are paying. Companies like Google work with partners to supply the search results you see on a monetization page. These partners are also called search feed providers. We will give a list of the top search arbitrage feed providers in a bit and explain how you can apply for these platforms.  Is Social to Search Arbitrage Profitable? Before you dive any deeper, you probably want to know if this type of traffic arbitrage is profitable. If you are running social to search arbitrage campaigns, you will be making a profit by buying traffic for cheaper on social ad networks like Meta or TikTok, and selling it for a higher price to search feed providers.  Search arbitrage is a business of small margins. The payouts are generally low, resulting in low revenue-per-click. However, conversion rates for search arbitrage offers can be very high if you make your ads highly relevant to the keywords you are targeting, and continuously optimize your social media campaigns based on KPIs. When we discuss campaign optimization, we will give some tips on which metrics to prioritize.  So, in short, social to search arbitrage can be very profitable, but your profitability will highly depend on other factors. We already discussed traffic quality above, but traffic quantity is another important factor. Since search arbitrage has small margins but high conversion rates, a larger amount of traffic means more revenue.  Finally, apart from mastering social media advertising (highly relevant ads, good copy, top creatives, the right targeting strategy etc) and investing in getting more traffic, you also need to choose your ad networks wisely. When looking for the right ad network, your focus should be on finding platforms with high engagement and low cost-per-click. Let’s take a look at the top social ad networks next. Top Social Ad Networks to Buy Traffic From As of now, Meta and TikTok are the two main social ad platforms for social to search arbitrage. So, what are the key differences between these two platforms?  Meta (Facebook & Instagram) Meta’s biggest advantage is its audience reach and diversity. With over 3 billion users for Facebook and 1.35 for Instagram, this is by far the biggest social media platform in 2023. This means that the audience is also more diverse in terms of demographics and interests.  The key downside is that competition on Meta is higher, leading to more expensive cost-per-clicks (CPC). Keep in mind that this is only a generalization, and the actual cost of traffic will heavily depend on your ads and targeting strategy.  2. TikTok TikTok is one of the fastest-growing social media platforms for search arbitrage. At 1.7 billion users as of recently, its audience is considerably smaller compared to Meta’s.  TikTok’s biggest strength is its superior audience engagement rate of 5.69%, compared to Facebook’s 0.06% and Instagram’s 0.47%. Ads on TikTok generally blend in very well with the rest of the content on the platform, resulting in higher conversion rates. Which platform you decide to run paid ads on will highly depend on the keywords and offers you are promoting. For example, if you are promoting dental implant results, you will most likely want to prioritize older demographics.  We have a full comparison article between Meta vs TikTok ads here. You can also find more information on how to run TikTok to search arbitrage campaigns here. Top Search Arbitrage Feed Providers Tonic  Tonic is a German-based traffic monetization platform, known for its Tier1 search feed, high EPCs, and quick creative approval process. You can apply here.  2. System1 System1 is another major player in the social to-search arbitrage space, providing offers from top advertisers and verticals, including health, finance, and travel. You can get in touch with them via this form.  3. (previously Bodis) Another top traffic monetization platform, has over 15+ years of experience in the industry, and they also partner with Tier1 ad search providers. You can create an account with them here. You may be asked for an invitation code, in which case you can contact the team inside the platform to inquire about your next steps.  4. Domain Active Similarly, DomainActive partners with top advertisers and helps you monetize your paid social traffic. You can sign up here.  5. Sedo Sedo is one of the largest domain marketplaces in the world. You can register here.  Before approving your application, these companies will most likely need to see some sort of proof of spend. There is no specific budget you need to spend to qualify, but generally, top search feed providers are looking for media buyers who have the potential to spend more or less 4 figures per day. Traffic quality will also be very important, as well as a few basic rules such as no incentivized, push or fraudulent traffic. Social to Search Arbitrage Campaign Setup The way you set up your search arbitrage campaigns will determine how data moves from TikTok or Meta to the search feed, and it will define your tracking capabilities.  You can set up your campaigns in two different ways. The direct flow is when you do not use a tracker in between, while the tracked flow includes the use of a third-party tracker. Direct Flow Since there is no tracker present with this setup, the final destination for your TikTok or Meta ads will be the link provided by your search feed provider. Generally, you need to build the campaign links manually under the direct flow. If you are not sure how to build your links, you can find examples of the top search feed providers and social media ad networks below. Please make sure to replace the domain and specific parameter information based on your specific case.  The direct flow is straightforward, easy to set up, and cost-effective, but it limits what you are able to track for your campaigns. If you are just starting out, this could be a simple solution, but if you are trying to scale and working with larger budgets, you will most likely need more granular data to be able to optimize your campaigns efficiently. Apart from this, you would also miss out on the ability to split test keyword groups or different search feeds under one domain. Sending conversion postbacks to TikTok or Facebook is also more limited depending on the search feed.  For these reasons, most search arbitrage experts opt for the tracked flow. 2. Tracked Flow  The tracked flow involves using a third-party tracker. For this to be possible, you would need to use a tracker that has direct integration with social media ad platforms like TikTok and Meta, but also with the search feed providers you are working with. ClickFlare is a good example of a tracker that has an integration with all the platforms mentioned in this article.  Your campaign URLs in this case will be generated by your chosen tracking platform.  Using a tracker like ClickFlare, you will get access to deeper data about your visitors, including country, region, city, device type, OS, OS version, user agent, etc. You will also be able to rotate two or more keyword groups under a single domain, split test search feed providers, and send accurate postback conversion data back to TikTok and Facebook. ClickFlare will also automatically update revenue data from your search feed providers, removing the need for you to manually update finalized revenue data via CSV. Social to Search Arbitrage Campaign Optimization As we mentioned above, search arbitrage is a business of small margins, so in order to scale and succeed, you will most likely need to launch a large number of campaigns and advertise from different ad accounts, or from different platforms.  To ensure that you are not wasting your time and money on unprofitable campaigns, you […]

November 24, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Automate Campaigns with TheOptimizer: Black Friday Deals Revealed
Platform Updates

Automate Campaigns with TheOptimizer: Black Friday Deals Revealed

If you’re an online marketer looking for ways to level up your campaigns, we have some exciting news for you. TheOptimizer’s Black Friday deals have just been revealed, and they’re too good to miss out on!  In this article, we’ll explain how TheOptimizer works, reveal our exclusive Black Friday deals, and guide you through the options to help you make the best decision. How Does TheOptimizer Work? TheOptimizer is a campaign automation software that allows you to manage your ads on auto-pilot. You can connect and manage an unlimited number of ad accounts from Meta, TikTok, Google, and major native platforms, like Taboola & Outbrain, in only a few steps. You can also connect third-party trackers, such as ClickFlare, Voluum, or RedTrack, search feeds (e.g., Tonic, Sedo, System1,, DomainActive), or Google Analytics. To check whether we have a connection with your ad network or tracker, click here.  Apart from being able to streamline all your advertising efforts in a single platform, TheOptimizer allows you to run automation rules 24/7. These rules are designed to safeguard your ad budget by pausing underperforming campaigns, ads, or placements, and to scale efficiently through budget & bid increases. You can also clone top-performing campaigns, ads, and ad groups / ad sets.  TheOptimizer is perfect for you if you are advertising on various platforms, you manage multiple ad accounts at the same time, and you are trying to scale faster without having to spend all your time behind a computer, optimizing your campaigns.  Read further to see how you can test out the tool at a fraction of the regular price. TheOptimizer’s Existing User Promotion For our existing users, we have a huge deal that can save you up to $2,517. For all yearly plans, you can now get a 30% discount. Here is an overview of the different subscription plans, with an indication of how much you can save with our Black Friday deals: If you are currently in the Starter plan and considering upgrading, this is the perfect moment to do so. You can also upgrade from a Pro plan to a Master one to benefit from the higher ad spend limit, the multi-users feature, and Global Rules (i.e., where you apply rules to entire ad accounts instead of campaigns).  To claim the offer, head over to this page, and click on the “Get Discount” button. You will then need to log in with your credentials and choose your preferred plan.  This offer is only available until November 27th, 2023. TheOptimizer’s New User Discount If you are not currently an active user, you can still test out TheOptimizer for an entire month at only $1. This is a one-time deal that expires on the 27th of November, so head over to this link and start scaling your campaigns today.  If you are still on the fence about TheOptimizer, you can book a demo call. One of our experts will walk you through the key features & pricing plans, and you will have the opportunity to ask specific questions.  Case Studies with TheOptimizer Don’t take our word for it – read how TheOptimizer helped ecommerce agency TenDC cut campaign management time by 80%; allowed solo affiliate Harnur Virk make $195,000 revenue per month on TikTok without spending all his time in front of his computer; and how it helped achieve 37%+ returns on native platforms.  TheOptimizer’s Black Friday Deals Summary With online advertising becoming increasingly competitive over the past year, campaign automation is the way to stay ahead of the game.  TheOptimizer is one of the most trusted campaign automation tools in the market, allowing you to manage your Meta, Google, TikTok, or native campaigns on auto-pilot.  For existing users, we are offering a 30% discount on all yearly plans. With this deal, you can save up to $2,517.  New users have a one-off chance to try out TheOptimizer for only $1 for the first month.

November 20, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

TikTok to Search: How to Run Tonic Search Arbitrage Campaigns

TikTok to Search: How to Run Tonic Search Arbitrage Campaigns

Are you running TikTok to Search campaigns with Tonic and looking for a comprehensive guide to help you through this process?  We’ve got you covered!  In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about setting up TikTok to search arbitrage campaigns with Tonic, from tracking, to tips on how to make your campaigns profitable! What is TikTok to Search? TikTok to search arbitrage is when you buy traffic from TikTok (via paid ads) and direct that traffic to a monetization page with relevant search results. The monetization page will display a few different results, and each result will send the user to the website of the business running search engine campaigns. Usually, the TikTok advertiser would get paid each time a visitor clicks on one of these search results.  These search results are displayed by search feed providers. Search feed providers are Google, Yahoo, or Bing partners. We will dive deeper into search feed providers in a moment.  This process of buying and selling traffic is commonly referred to as “traffic arbitrage”. It’s extremely effective for conversions, because it ensures that each visitor is qualified twice – firstly, when they click on the ad, and secondly, when they click on a specific result on the monetization page. Instead of buying traffic from TikTok, you can buy it from essentially any advertising platform, such as Meta, Google, Taboola, Outbrain, and more. So, why are we focusing on TikTok to search arbitrage?  TikTok has become one of the fastest growing platforms within the search arbitrage space over the past two years. Being a relatively new platform, the cost of buying traffic from TikTok is lower than most other platforms at the moment. TikTok’s smart algorithm, advanced targeting options, and unprecedented high engagement rates, are also attracting more and more search arbitrage marketers to join the platform. Search arbitrage feed providers As mentioned above, the search landing pages linked to various offers are generated by search feed providers. These providers are going to be the ones paying you in the end, so you need to review them carefully.  Some of the most popular search feed providers are:  Tonic  Sedo  Domain Active System 1 For the purpose of this article, we will focus on Tonic. They have a large range of over 1,000 offers, and they only accept a select number of advertisers. You can apply via the form here. Tonic offers a number of benefits, such as high EPCs, accurate reporting, automated features to reduce your workload, quick creative approval process, and excellent customer support, amongst other things.  Tonic search arbitrage campaign setup flows Do you have your TikTok ad account and your Tonic account ready? Now, it’s time to learn how to set your campaigns up for success. The campaign setup will dictate how the data will flow from TikTok to Tonic, and what type of information you will be able to track.  There are two general ways to set up your campaigns – the direct flow (without a tracker), and the tracked flow (with a tracker).  Direct flow  With the direct flow, the visitor will go directly from the TikTok ad to the link provided by Tonic.  In this case, you will usually have to build the campaign link manually. You will need to append the required tracking information to the links provided by Tonic, and use them as destination URLs for your campaigns.  Here is an example of how the direct flow links for your campaigns should look like: Note: this is just an example, please make sure to replace information set on parameters like IDs and event names to match the ones you will use in your campaigns.  Although the direct flow is simple to implement, it comes with its own limitations, especially when it comes to tracking. Your tracking capabilities will be limited to the tracking & reporting capabilities of the search feed provider. That means that you will have limited access to detailed visitor data, which makes optimizing your campaigns more difficult.  This is why most search arbitrage marketers run their campaigns using the tracked flow. 2. Tracked flow  With the tracked flow, a third-party tracker is added between TikTok and Tonic.  With the tracked flow, instead of using the tracking URL you get from Tonic as the destination URL for your campaigns, you will need to use the tracker generated campaign URL.  There are plenty of affiliate trackers out there, but ClickFlare is one of the only trackers that has a direct integration with major search feed providers, including Tonic. The main benefit of using a tracker like ClickFlare is that it provides you with extremely granular data on a click level. ClickFlare has a direct integration with both TikTok & Tonic, meaning that after the initial setup, it will automatically update your cost & revenue data. If you are not very keen on the technical side of tracking, ClickFlare offers a free on-boarding session where an expert will guide you through the entire setup process.  Apart from getting access to more accurate & detailed visitor data, the tracked flow also allows you to easily A/B test two or more sets of keywords or tracking domains under a single campaign. Or, if in the future you want to test another search feed apart from Tonic, with ClickFlare you can also split test the different search feed providers under the same campaign. How to make TikTok to Search Tonic campaigns profitable In order to make your TikTok to Search Tonic campaigns profitable, you will need to nail down targeting, have strong creatives & update them frequently, and constantly optimize your campaigns based on your KPIs.  Let’s start with targeting. TikTok allows you to target based on three dimensions – demographics, interests & behaviors, and device. Many advertisers make the mistake of being highly selective with their target audience, and in return receive very little traffic.  Whenever you apply a new targeting criteria, for example “only include visitors from the US”, TikTok provides an estimated audience size (highlighted on the right). This will indicate whether your target audience is too narrow, narrow, balanced, or fairly broad. While there is no right or wrong way to do this, generally you might want to avoid being on the “too narrow” or “narrow” side. “Balanced” is what is usually recommended by TikTok, and “fairly broad” could also work, especially if you are trying to gather data.  When it comes to creatives, TikTok is one of the platforms with the highest ad fatigue. TikTok recommends updating your creatives every 7 days! It sounds daunting, but it can be easier than you think. You can use TikTok Creative Center to see what types of ads are working for your niche. Then, go to a free stock video platform, such as Pexels, and browse over 1,000+ free TikTok videos. You can edit your videos using a free video editor, like CapCut.  If you want to take your TikTok creative game to the next level, you can actually pay TikTok creators to make ads for you. This is called UGC (user generated content), and this type of content converts extremely well on the platform. There are platforms out there, such as or Trendzi, that can connect you to top TikTok creators. If you want to learn more about platforms or tools that can help you with your TikTok journey, we have a full article on that here.   We hosted a large search arbitrage meetup during Affiliate World Barcelona 2023. Jack Antaki, COO of Trendzi, talked about their TikTok to search Game-Changing Strategy Behind $110M of Testing. You can watch his presentation full of golden nuggets here. TikTok to Search: How to run Tonic search arbitrage campaigns on autopilot with The Optimizer We talked about targeting & creatives, now it’s time to focus on campaign optimization. You may have heard that search arbitrage is a “numbers game”, which means that in order to succeed with TikTok to Search, you will most likely need to launch many campaigns & ads, sometimes using different ad accounts.  This is where automation tools like The Optimizer come in handy. You can connect all your TikTok ad accounts, as well as your tracker or search feed accounts (depending on which campaign flow you go for) in only a few steps. This will allow you to optimize all your search arbitrage activities from a single platform.  If […]

October 16, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer