VoluumDSP Optimization: Advanced Automatic Optimization Rules

March 28, 2019



TheOptimizer Team

If you have previously run performance-based marketing campaigns through a DSP, you know how easy it is to get traffic from multiple ad exchanges at once. But on the other hand, you certainly know how complicated it gets when you have to individually optimize every exchange, especially when it comes to fine-tuning publishers, ads, exchange bids, publisher bids, and so on.

That is why we at TheOptimizer took the time to work on some pretty advanced auto-optimization rules that can take care of all that boring optimization stuff for you.

But How Does it Compare to Voluum Automatic Rules?

Well if you take a closer look at Voluum’s automatic optimization rules, you will notice that you are limited to a specific set of rules and settings, while you can still do more.

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Pause Campaigns
Pause Exchange
Pause Ads
Pause Sites
Pause Widgets
Pause OS
Pause OS Versions
Pause Browsers
Pause Browsers Verisons

Pause / Activate Campaigns
Pause / Activate Exchange
Pause / Activate Ads
Pause / Activate Sites
Pause / Activate Widgets
Change Campaign Bid
Change Campaign Budget
Change Exchange Bid
Change Site Bid
Change Widget Bid
Campaign Day Parting
Generic Rules Day Parting
Bid Change Day Parting

On top of the above, besides the fact that you can use larger time-frames like “Last 14 / 30 / 60 or even 90 days”. The best thing is that you can centralize your campaign management from other native traffic sources like Outbrain, Taboola, Yahoo Gemini, RevContent, MGID, Adskeeper, and Content.ad in one place. In turn, VoluumDSP has a separate feature – Auto-Optimization – for multi-category automatic bid adjustments based on the performance goals:

iCTR (Impression click-through rate) which optimizes the number of clicks on your banners.
CPV (Cost per visit) which optimizes the cost of visits.
CPC (Cost per click) which optimizes the cost of clicks on the landing page; this option is only applicable when a lander is added to the campaign’s flow.
CPA (cost per conversion) focuses on delivering conversions at a specific price.

Try TheOptimizer Native for Free
Connect your traffic source and tracker accounts in under five minutes and start converting your manual work into automatic rules.
It saves both time and money!