Set it & Forget it!
Having Profitable Pop campaigns in autopilot its possible!
In this post we’re going to show step-by-step how to have your auto-optimized campaigns using TheOptimzer Mobile and Adsbridge as a tracking platform.
It will be divided in 2 parts:
Part 1: Setting up your tracker and traffic sources on TheOptimizer
Part 2: The case study:
- Find the right offer
- Pick 2 traffic sources for the test
- Launching the campaigns and setting up the auto-optimization rules
- Monitor the progress for 3 days
Part 1: The Setup
First thing we need to do, is connect our tracker and traffic sources with TheOptimizer, so that we will be able to have access to all the auto-optimization power that TheOptimizer provides.
For this case study we are going to use Adsbridge as a tracker, and Zeropark + Popcash as traffic sources.
The setup is made really easy using our Account Wizard which can be found on the left menu and which will guide you through a step-by-step setup process, as shown below:

Account Wizard – Connect your traffic source and your tracker.
As you can see from the animation above, during the setup you will be asked to enter some info like username/pass or API keys. So before starting make sure to have those by hand.
Here is where you can find that info in the case of Adsbridge, Zeropark, and Popcash:
Adsbridge API info:
- Login to your Adsbridge account
- From the top right corner, under your avatar, select “My Account”
- You will need 2 fields from here: ID and Api Key

Adsbridge API info
Zeropark API info:
- Login to Zeropark
- Go to “My Account” -> “Security”
- Find the Access Tokens section and click “Add New” to generate a new API token

Zeropark API info
Popcash API info:
To get the API info for your Popcash account you need to send an e-mail to their support and ask them to give you access.
Part 2: The Case Study
Now that we have TheOptimizer set up and ready to go, the next step is to find an offer and launch our campaigns.
Regarding the offer, we will keep it simple and use Monetizr. For those not familiar with Monetizr, it is a smart link platform, where you can get a single link and they will optimize the offers from you so that your traffic goes to the best-performing offers.
The reason why we chose Monetizr is that if we can make it work with a generic smart link, then it should be much easier if you find your specific/exclusive offers for the same geo.
So to recap we will be using these resources during the case study:
Optimization: TheOptimizer Mobile/Pop
Tracker: Adsbridge
Traffic sources: Zeropark, Popcash
Offer Network: Monetizr
DAY 1:
Picking the offer, launching the campaigns and creating the first automatic rule.
- The Offer: the first step is to decide which geo are we going to use for this case study.
We need to pick a geo that is generating a good daily revenue (so that we can have enough data to optimize) but has also some decent EPC. After a quick look at the Monetizr dashboard, we noticed that IT is at the top of the list as a revenue generator. A closer look at the insights showed that Android OS is performing much better than iOS, and 3G is way better than WiFi.So in the end we decided to go with the top of the list: Geo: Italy – OS: Android – Connection: 3G - Launching campaigns: Now that we got the offer, the next step is to create our campaigns on Zeropark and Popcash.
Remember that the targeting will be: OS=Android, Connection=3G only, Daily Budget = $10 - The First Rule: Once the campaigns are approved, we will create a generic optimization rule to make sure that the spending of our campaigns is under control.
The rule is simple: “If a publisher spent more than $0.5 and has no conversions, block it”.Once we get more data we can update the rule and/or add new ones. But for now, we need it to be a little aggressive so that we clean the low-quality-traffic of the first day.

TheOptimizer: Creating The First Rule
Cost | Conv. | Revenue | EPA (EarnPerAction) | ROI | Notes | |
Zeropark | $10 | 3 | $2.4 | $0.8 | -76% |
Popcash | $3 | 1 | $0.32 | $0.32 | -$89% |

Performance: Day 1
Looking at TheOptimizer’s System Activity we can also see that our rule was executed :

System Activity – Day 1
DAY 2:
After the first day of cleaning that the rule has performed, there is already an important ROI improvement on both of our campaigns the next day:
Cost | Conv. | Revenue | EPA (EarnPerAction) | ROI | Notes | |
Zeropark | $12.1 | 26 | $10.9 | $0.41 | -9% |
Popcash | $3.9 | 3 | $0.96 | $0.32 | -$75% |
DAY 3:
Because of the bid change we made to the Zeropark campaign the day before, a drop in ROI was expected, and it happened.
Now that we have some more data, we can calculate our CPA goal, and create optimization rules that will block publishers based on the CPA goal.
Cost | Conv. | Revenue | EPA (EarnPerAction) | ROI | Notes | |
Zeropark | $30 | 14 | $7.6 | $0.54 | -75% |
Popcash | $13.9 | 8 | $2.56 | $0.32 | -$80% |
Here is an animation that shows how we can create the CPA goal rule on TheOptimizer:

CPA Goal Rule Example
On day 4 we’re finally seeing some results. Nothing big of course, but the important lesson here is that with the help of the automation you can focus on launching more campaigns daily, and let TheOptimizer do the job for you.
Cost | Conv. | Revenue | EPA (EarnPerAction) | ROI | Notes | |
Zeropark | $25 | 40 | $29.6 | $0.625 | 18.4% | |
Popcash | $4.39 | 19 | $5 | $0.23 | 13.8% |

Performance Day 4