
Case Study

5 posts
How TenDC Cut Campaign Management Time by 80% with The Optimizer
Case StudyNative

How TenDC Cut Campaign Management Time by 80% with The Optimizer

“Within one month of using The Optimizer, I have been able to automate about 90% of my campaign management tasks. I haven’t checked my campaigns that much in the past 10 days, and everything has been going great.”  Ara Davtian  Co-founder & Lead Media Buyer of Ten Digital  Vertical: Ecommerce  Networks: Taboola, Outbrain, MGID, Google, Meta Introduction In 2020, Ara co-founded Ten Digital, a fast-growing digital marketing and ecommerce agency, catering to various GEOs in 7 different languages. With more than 8 years of experience in media buying, Ara had already mastered Meta and Google ads, and was ready to scale his business further by launching his first native ad campaigns.  Problem While native ads are great for engagement rates and conversions, getting started with them comes with a few challenges, especially when you are transitioning from social media platforms.  Social advertising platforms such as Meta and TikTok have advanced and fast-learning algorithms, while native algorithms still have a lot of catching up to do. This means that when you are getting started with native ads, you need to spend an immense amount of time (and money) testing things out and optimizing your campaigns as you go. You need to be very quick with cutting publishers and placements that are losing money, and managing bids and budgets accordingly.  Ara needed a solution that would allow him to leverage the power of native ads, while still having enough time to focus on the other aspects of his business.  Solution He found out about our campaign automation tool, The Optimizer, and booked a demo call with our team.  His main goal was to save time while limiting any possible budget waste on underperforming ads and publishers.  The Optimizer has the ability to completely automate the process of blocking or pausing sections, sites, campaigns, or ads based on custom conditions that can be easily set up on the platform.  After showing a few examples of different rules that would fit his needs, Ara decided to give the platform a try.  Implementation Before starting to actively use The Optimizer, we asked Ara to come up with a set of campaign management tasks that were consuming his valuable time on a daily basis, and that he would like to delegate to our tool.  During a practical on-boarding session, our team helped Ara replicate his manual tasks on our platform, and let them run on autopilot instead.  He ended up automating over 90% of his campaign optimization tasks, including blocking unprofitable publishers, changing site bids, pausing underperforming ads & sections, and increasing or decreasing campaign budgets based on performance.  Results After using The Optimizer for one month, Ara reported that he was able to cut off 80% of campaign management time, while his CPA dropped by around 20%.  “Apart from that, our overall spend also went down. I noticed that we are now not wasting any money and we are generally more efficient with our budget. I will definitely be recommending The Optimizer to my ecommerce friends.”  Conclusion Spending endless hours behind your computer and obsessively monitoring & optimizing your campaigns is clearly not the way to grow your business. Automation tools such as The Optimizer allow you to delegate routine and time-consuming tasks, so you can shift your focus towards big-picture activities that will actually set you apart from the competition. 

July 3, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

How Harnur Made $195K in a Month with TikTok Ads
Case Study

How Harnur Made $195K in a Month with TikTok Ads

“Running TikTok ads successfully is quite tiring. I have been through perpetual anxiety, mood swings, sleepless nights, 24/7 FOMO, and loneliness. Moving forward, I am using The Optimizer to automate many things. Now the workload has started to ease off.”  Harnur Virk  Super Affiliate  Vertical: Search Arbitrage Network: TikTok Introduction At only 25 years old, Harnur has earned the title of “super affiliate”. Although he initially began his affiliate marketing journey six years ago, it was in 2020 he truly committed to making it his primary source of income.  With curiosity, determination and hard work, Harnur was able to leave his full time job halfway through 2021, and from there on, his affiliate marketing revenue skyrocketed from four figures to an impressive six figures per month in 2023. Problem Harnur’s remarkable success came at a price. If you are an affiliate marketer, you already know how demanding this industry can be. It requires daily monitoring, optimizing, and adapting. As Harnur juggled 100+ TikTok campaigns, sleepless nights and anxiety became a daily struggle.  “There have been moments when I’ll get up at 3 a.m. and remember… oh, I forgot to launch my Australia campaigns. And if I don’t launch these campaigns, I’ll be short of $2500 for the day. So, either I choose to sleep or choose to make $2500…And I choose to make $2500 every time. The fear of missing out and constantly running after money took a huge toll on my health.” In December 2022, Harnur set a clear goal for the coming year – reach $100K per month in revenue. But he had to find a way to reach this goal without endangering his well being even further.   Solution His first solution was to hire a media buying team he could delegate manual tasks to. Even though this is a good solution, it still takes time to find, hire, train, and manage a team of media buyers. And a media buyer would still need to go to each campaign and manually optimize them on a daily basis. No matter how good you are, there is always the risk of human error, and when you are working with big budgets, these errors can make a huge impact.  Harnur’s next solution was to use our automation tool, The Optimizer, to manage his campaigns on auto-pilot. Not only does an automation tool save an immense amount of time each day, but it removes the human error element and allows you to scale your campaigns at a rapid pace. Implementation Once Harnur began using The Optimizer, a team of experts guided him through a practical on-boarding process to ensure he could maximize the benefits of the tool. Together, they explored all the automation options the platform has to offer and helped Harnur implement his own strategies.   With these rules in place, Harnur could delegate routine campaign optimization tasks to our system. He was able to pause underperforming campaigns, ad groups and ads with high costs and low returns, and increase or decrease campaign/ad group bids and budgets based on performance, all on auto-pilot. Each time one of these rules would be executed, Harnur would get a notification so he is still up-to-date with what is happening to his campaigns.  Harnur was also able to schedule the specific times that his campaigns would become active, so instead of choosing to make $2500 or go to sleep, now he could do both! Results As a result, not only did Harnur achieve his 2023 goal of making $100K per month in revenue, he almost doubled it!  He shared these numbers from The Optimizer’s dashboard, and you can see that just last month alone he made close to $200K in revenue from TikTok. Image by Harnur Virk By leveraging the power of automation, Harnur was able to exceed his goals while still managing to lower his workload.   Conclusion Harnur’s success story showcases the importance of not only working hard, but working smart and efficiently. The Optimizer’s powerful features allowed him to focus on strategic growth, leaving the routine and burn-out-inducing tasks of campaign optimization to our system.  Now Harnur can peacefully enjoy his time with the penguins while The Optimizer runs the campaigns for him!

June 19, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Maximize Profits with Search Arbitrage on Autopilot: Guide to 37%+ Returns
Case StudyGuidesNative

Maximize Profits with Search Arbitrage on Autopilot: Guide to 37%+ Returns

Check out the step-by-step break down of this Native to Search Arbitrage campaign that yielded 37%+ ROI on Auto-Pilot with just 10 simple optimization rules

February 17, 2021



TheOptimizer Team

[Case Study] $60k Profit on Taboola Running Casino App Installs
Case StudyNative

[Case Study] $60k Profit on Taboola Running Casino App Installs

As you can see, the first day was pretty good for a new campaign, with just about -20% ROI. After this, the 4th rule kicked in and doubled the budget the second day, from $100 to $200 which caused a new influx of publishers coming in and lowered the overall ROI to -35%.

April 5, 2019



TheOptimizer Team

Case Study: $XXX Profit with 1 Lander and 1 Offer on Auto-pilot!
Case StudyMobile

Case Study: $XXX Profit with 1 Lander and 1 Offer on Auto-pilot!

If you are using “Pop/Redirect traffic is dying” as an excuse, sorry to burst your bubble, but this is ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE, and here’s the PROOF. $XXX Profit with 1 Lander and 1 Offer on Auto-pilot

September 11, 2017



TheOptimizer Team