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Best Performing Verticals for Top Performing Native Ad Platforms (with Examples)

Best Performing Verticals for Top Performing Native Ad Platforms (with Examples)

Performance marketers are always looking for new and innovative ways to get the best results possible, especially when designing their new offers. Coming up with a winning ad time after time again can be quite challenging. With tools such AdPlexity, that process becomes far easier. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best-performing offers and verticals, on some of the top-performing native ad platforms in the market. What is Adplexity? AdPlexity is a spy tool that allows you to see which are the best-performing ads and verticals currently or during a specific time period. You can choose between plenty of filtering options, such as type of device, country, language, traffic source (as we’ll do in this article), etc, to find what’s working in the space you want to target.                       Images displaying some of AdPlexity’s filters. Top Verticals in Outbrain Let’s take the following offer and review it (we’re focusing on performance in 2023 alone). As you can see below, you can view the chosen image for the ad, as well as its title and a few quick indicators, such as this offer having received 3690 hits in the past 89 days. If you click on the offer, you’ll enter a more detailed view panel, in which you can see other indicators that can be useful to you. You can see for example that this offer has been performing quite well throughout the week, with a minor dip on Thursdays and Fridays. For another offer, we can see that 100% of its traffic has come from iPhone devices, and furthermore, we can see from which publishers (this can help you with blacklists) and which placements the majority of traffic has come from.  Some of the top-performing verticals in Outbrain for 2023 have been: News about celebrities, cars, health routines, travel and dental products among others. Here are a few more examples: Top Verticals in MGID Let’s look at some offers that are performing quite well in MGID. The offer below has received more than 9000 hits in the past 10 days, the vast majority of that traffic coming from Android tablets devices. What’s interesting if we look into more details (see graph below), is that it performs quite well on the first three days of the week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and has a considerable drop on the other days. This dental offer, on the other hand, performs the same on all days of the week, except for Saturday when it sees a drop. For this offer, thanks to AdPlexity (feature in Beta), we can even see the offer’s bid history, with the bid for it averaging at $0,03. Some of the top-performing verticals in MGID for 2023 have been: Losing weight, dental, beauty products, etc. Top Verticals in RevContent The first example we’re looking at from RevContent, is this dog food offer which has performed extremely well, with more than 200k hits in the past 4 months. For this offer we can see that the traffic it has received is quite well distributed between different types of devices (with an even distribution between mobile and desktop). Interestingly enough, you can see that some publishers have performed significantly better than other ones, with the first and second ones having a 10% difference from the third best-performing publisher. In this second offer, we can see that in January it performed quite well compared to other months, with a dip in February, but picking up pace once more in March. For more details, check AdPlexity. Some of the top-performing verticals in RevContent for 2023 have been: Home gadgets, cars, travel, diets, trading, etc. Top Verticals in Taboola Let’s look at some offers in Taboola. The first one you see below for example gets 60% of its total traffic from tablet devices (both Android & iOS devices). While the second offer gets the largest chunk of its traffic share from iPhone devices, and 35% of total traffic from one publisher alone. AdPlexity gives you the opportunity to see such details and quickly jump on trends. Some of the top-performing verticals in Taboola for 2023 have been: Dental, travel, software, health, tech, etc. Top Verticals in Yahoo Lastly, let’s look at a few Yahoo offers. The first offer has performed really well in April and in May, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays. With its traffic being well-distributed between different devices. Most of the traffic however, 74%, has come from a single widget. The second offer, has received most of its traffic in April, losing steam in May, and performed better between Tuesday and Saturday. Almost 80% of its traffic came from one publisher alone and three particular widgets performed significantly better than other ones. Some of the top-performing verticals in Yahoo for 2023 have been: Gaming, housing, beauty, trading, dental, etc. Bonus: Search Arbitrage One vertical that has been performing extremely well in recent times across all native traffic sources, is search arbitrage. We just released a mega 200-page guide on all you should know about Search Arb, and how to profit from this new mine that keeps delivering. Currently, TheOptimizer is the only optimization and automation platform that supports some of the main Search Feed Providers (Tonic, Sedo, System1, Domain Active and Bodis). Giving marketers and search arbitragers alike an opportunity not to miss. Conclusion While you have all your campaigns run automatically with TheOptimizer, you now have plenty of saved time to focus on your creatives and your offers, making them the best they can be. If you’re having a bit of a hard time figuring out what will perform better, give AdPlexity a try. It’s a fantastic tool that gives you a view into the best-performing offers across the internet and insights into their success.

May 19, 2023



TheOptimizer Team

Top 10 TikTok Ad Trends to Watch in 2023

Top 10 TikTok Ad Trends to Watch in 2023

TikTok was the leading app for consumer spending last year, with 92% of the users making purchases after watching a video on the platform.   With the number of downloads, daily users, and engagement rates increasing even further in 2023, more and more brands are advertising on TikTok. But this rapid growth means that the platform moves fast, and trends go in and out of style at a breakneck speed.  In this article, we will take a look at some of the top TikTok trends to watch out for in 2023, and how you can incorporate them into your own TikTok marketing strategy. The Three Driving Forces for TikTok Ad Trends in 2023 According to TikTok’s 2023 trend reports, there are three core forces driving TikTok ad trends this year.  Image by TikTok  1. The first trend force is all about entertainment through relatability and trust. Recent world events have led to people craving authenticity and connections more than ever. TikTok’s popularity boomed during the global lockdown, as people turned to social media for the human interaction that was missing from their everyday lives. In turn, this changed the type of content users prefer to engage with online.  Image by SensorTower Advertisements that come across as overly staged and “salesy” are on their way out, while content that feels native to TikTok is the new norm. In fact, 65% of over a billion TikTok users say they rely on online creators for their buying decisions. Simple advertisements featuring an honest and relatable figure will go a long way in 2023.  2. The second trend force is focused on joy and well-being. According to a recent study by Future Forum, over 40% of respondents report feeling burned out, with the percentage being even higher for people aged 18-29 years old. The younger generation is prioritizing their physical and mental well-being, and they prefer consuming helpful, funny and uplifting content. 3. Building up on the two previous points, the third and final trend force this year revolves around community building. Online users are looking for relatable, entertaining content that speaks to them on a personal level. They want to feel like they belong, like they are heard, and they seek to learn from other like-minded people. What are the TikTok Ad Trends for 2023? TikTok Ad Trend 1: Brands Are Investing More Money on TikTok Advertising  TikTok ad revenues are projected to hit $18.04 billion in 2023, and continue to grow by another $5.5 billion in 2024. With TikTok’s increasing relevance as a marketing channel, professional advertisers and brands will need to include it in their overall marketing strategy.  TikTok Ad Trend 2: User-Generated Content is Dominating TikTok Advertising User-generated content, or UGC, refers to content created by platform users instead of companies. This type of native content blends in with other videos on the app, and it comes across as more trustworthy.  Image by On the other hand, it is also cheaper and easier for brands. Instead of paying professional creatives to shoot and run an ad, now they can pay a fee or commission to creators to post a video, often shot and edited on a smartphone.  You have probably heard this saying a thousand times, but TikTok is a creative-hungry platform. Ad fatigue is higher than for any other platform, so advertisers need to be flexible and adapt quickly.  UGC’s ability to be more engaging and flexible while costing less will make this type of content extremely popular on TikTok in the coming months.  TikTok Ad Trend 3: Storytelling Can Help TikTok Ads Stand Out  Storytelling has always been an important part of marketing. A good story has been proven to help people remember your core message longer, and to create a deeper connection with your audience.  Considering the trend driving forces we discussed earlier, online users are craving that feeling of deeper connection and understanding with the brands they purchase from. You can share your brand’s story (i.e., how it started), show how the product fits into a lifestyle or routine, and share results.  TikTok ads that tell a story will stand out more and convert better than ads that lack the storytelling element. TikTok Ad Trend 4: More Authenticity in TikTok Product Demos and Tutorials  Product demos and tutorials can be very useful, and something that is working really well right now are ads where a creator or customer is using the product and naturally embedding it in their video.  Image by TikTok Based on TikTok’s recent research, 75% of users who took an action as a result of TikTok (for example purchased a product after seeing it on the platform), agree that a creator showcasing a product is more useful than reading online reviews.  TikTok Ad Trend 5: Well-being is More Important Than Ever for TikTok Advertising  The population, especially the younger generation, is prioritizing their physical and mental well-being more than ever. They are seeking out healthier food options, fitness tips, and raising awareness about mental health. Image by TheTab If possible, you should strive to create a story that showcases how your product promotes well-being and leads to a better lifestyle.  TikTok Ad Trend 6: Using Humor and Memes Improves TikTok Ads Performance    Incorporating humor in your ads can make them more memorable, and it causes a positive association between your product and the viewer.  According to TikTok, 4 in 10 users admit that uplifting content is a key motivator when it comes to making a purchase. Image by TikTok You have probably seen or used memes before. This type of humorous content, often involving references to current pop culture, can improve your ad’s performance. If you are using relevant memes, users tend to share it more often with each other, comment and generally engage more with your content.  TikTok Ad Trend 7: Using Popular Audio Clips on TikTok Boosts Engagement  Popular audio clips are songs, sound effects or snippets of spoken words (e.g., from shows, movies, interviews) that are trending on TikTok. Incorporating these sounds in your TikTok ads can skyrocket your engagement.  You can find trending sounds on TikTok’s Creative Center, but an even easier way is simply typing “trending sounds” on TikTok’s search bar. You can incorporate these sounds into your ads through lip-syncing, comedy sketches, or dance challenges.  TikTok Ad Trend 8: Picking a Niche is Crucial for TikTok Advertising  When discussing the three TikTok trend forces, we mentioned that community building will play an important role in 2023.  In order for the community feeling to be established, you will need to stimulate a sense of belonging and understanding within your audience. The best way to do that is by segmenting your target audience into specific niches, and creating different ads to cater to each niche.  There are many free tools out there, such as this one by HubSpot, that can help you create a detailed buyer persona if you do not have one already.  Image by HubSpot For every product you are promoting, you must have a clear idea of who your target customer is, what they like or dislike, and what their pain points are.  TikTok Ad Trend 9: Educational Content Gains Popularity on TikTok  TikTok’s most recent trend research shows that 92% of users who took an action as a result of TikTok said that they learn new things from the platform.  The younger generation is turning to TikTok to ask questions, and the hashtag #EduTok is very popular with 155 billion lifetime views.  You can leverage this by creating educational videos that include your product or are related to it. For example, if you are promoting a new yoga mat, you can create a video with the top 5 yoga positions you need to try as a beginner.  By creating content that is entertaining and informative, advertisers are not only promoting their brands but also establishing themselves as a trusted source of information within their niche.  TikTok Ad Trend 10: Improved Search Function Can Benefit TikTok Ads  The last top trend goes hand in hand with the previous one. Nearly half of Gen Z users search for things on TikTok and Instagram rather than on Google. This demand for educational content has motivated TikTok to improve their search function even further.  This means that apart from crafting the perfect video ad, you also need to write a good caption which adds extra value (for example by […]

May 15, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Make Money on TikTok with Affiliate Marketing in 6 Easy Steps

Make Money on TikTok with Affiliate Marketing in 6 Easy Steps

Each day, over one billion people spend an average of 90 minutes scrolling through TikTok. In just a few short years, TikTok has become one of the top social media platforms for performance marketers around the world.  As of 2023, TikTok ad revenues are predicted to hit a staggering $18.04 billion. So, how can you make money on TikTok with affiliate marketing? This article will walk you through all the necessary steps to start monetizing TikTok through affiliate marketing. This is a beginner’s guide, so we will cover everything from setting up your TikTok ads account to finding products to promote and creating engaging ads without any prior design or editing knowledge.    How Does TikTok Affiliate Marketing Work? As an affiliate marketer, you promote a product or service, and receive a commission for each sale or conversion made through your unique tracking code.  There are a large number of brands that need help promoting their products, and whether you have an existing following or starting from scratch, you can help these brands in return for a commission.  Affiliate networks facilitate the collaboration between affiliate marketers and brands.  Assuming you have no existing TikTok following, you can buy traffic from TikTok through paid advertising, and direct users to the website or sales page of the product you are trying to promote. Before you dive deeper into the top affiliate networks and best practices to create high converting TikTok ads, you will first need to set up your TikTok Ads Manager account.  Step 1: How to Set up an Account on TikTok Ads Manager If you already have an account on TikTok Ads Manager, you can skip this part and jump ahead to Step 3.  To get started, go to TikTok Ads Manager and choose Get Started to create an account. You will be asked to write down your email and create a password. Then, you will need to add some information about your business, such as business name, industry, region etc. If you do not have an actual industry in mind yet, you can leave it as “Other”.  Next, you will need to set up your billing information, such as company registration number. You can also do this part later if you do not have this information yet.  Step 2: How to Set up Your TikTok Pixel In order to track your conversions, you will need to set up your pixel on TikTok. You can do this by going to Assets, and then Events. You will then choose Set Up Web Events, choose a pixel name, and select “TikTok pixel” under Connection Method.  Next, choose “Manually Install Pixel Code”. You will be provided with a pixel which you can copy.  You will choose “Click Events” on the next step, and now you can start adding web events you want to track, such as “add to cart”, “complete payment”, “subscribe” etc. You can add multiple elements.  TikTok recommends that you install the TikTok Pixel Helper, a Google Chrome extension that will help you check whether your pixel is firing correctly.  If you already have a website you wish to drive traffic to, you can submit the URL here, and you can choose which elements from the website you want to track. If you do not have the target website at this point, you can also place a random website here, just in order to be able to continue forward. You can always change the website URL and pixel at a later point.  Your account is now ready and you can start finding affiliate products to promote!  Step 3: How to Find Products to Promote as an Affiliate Marketer on TikTok Affiliate networks are the best way to find products to promote through TikTok Ads. Generally, you need to sign up for these platforms and wait one or two days to get your account approved.  Once you are approved, you will be able to select from a range of products, and most platforms show you data on which products are performing better in terms of sales.  Here is a list of three of the top affiliate networks you can sign up for:  •Amazon Associates: via this platform you can find Amazon products to promote online. This is one of the most popular networks, and you can choose from a vast selection of high quality products. On the downside, commission rates are relatively low.  •Clickbank: this platform is very popular for social media performance marketers right now, because they offer high commission rates. It is especially known for health products related to diet, fitness, and wellbeing. •ShareASale: another popular platform with a large variety of products, reliable quality, and good commissions. Getting approved for this program may be a bit more tricky since they have a stricter approval process.  There are other popular affiliate network platforms out there, such as Commission Junction and Transparent Affiliate. TikTok has even created their own affiliate program, but it is mostly meant for creators with an existing follower base.  Please note that the applications, guidelines, and payouts of these platforms are constantly changing. Before signing up for each platform, make sure to double check their requirements and commissions.  Step 4: How to Create Engaging TikTok Ads Naturally, the best way to create video ads that stand out on TikTok is by creating your own. If you have an in-house creative team, or if you have some basic understanding of shooting and editing videos, it is better to run original ads. You do not need fancy videos, shooting them with your phone and editing them directly through TikTok or editing apps such as CapCut also works.   TikTok’s Creative Center offers inspiration on what type of ads are performing well. You can search for specific niches or topics based on which product you need to promote.  If you are just getting started and you do not have a creative team, there are free platforms that provide stock videos, music, templates etc. You can use these platforms, such as MixKit, to obtain creatives without investing a lot of time and money. You need to keep two things in mind when using such platforms. First, you always need to check the video licenses. You can find this information when you click on a video. The license will let you know whether or not you can use this video for commercial purposes, whether you can edit it, etc. In order to avoid any possible copyright infringement, always make sure to check the license. Second, since MixKit is a free platform, chances are that a lot of other marketers are using them. To stand out, you will need to edit the videos and personalize them for your specific product. Free design tools such as Canva can help with editing your stock videos and adding customized text to them.  If you need help with your video copy, you can use ChatGPT to help you with text inspiration.   For more information on different TikTok ad formats and trends, do’s and don’ts – we have a full article about how to create the best TikTok ads here.  Step 5: How to Monetize Your TikTok Ads Now that you have your traffic source set up, you have a product, and you have created an engaging TikTok ad, all you need to do is upload the ad to TikTok and add a link to the affiliate product.  Your affiliate link will be provided to you by the affiliate network you are working with (for example, ClickBank or Amazon Associates). You will only need to copy it and save it. It is very important that you promote this link, because this is the only way to receive your commission.  All your affiliate links should go in your profile bio. In order to keep your bio clean, you can use the free platform Linktree to create a landing page with all your affiliate links. That way, you only need to place your Linktree link on your TikTok profile bio (see example below).  Step 6: How to Optimize and Scale Your TikTok Ads To start earning six or seven figure monthly revenue from affiliate marketing on TikTok, you will need to scale.  That means running a large amount of campaigns with several ad groups, promoting different products across various niches, and working with bigger budgets. This process can become complicated and time consuming, so you should consider using an automation tool […]

May 3, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

Using Scalix with TheOptimizer for Maximum Performance

Using Scalix with TheOptimizer for Maximum Performance

Scalix Agency provides marketers with premium Facebook, TikTok and Google Agency Ad Accounts (just to name a few). For those who haven’t heard before about these types of accounts or what makes them special, in this article we’ll give an explanation of the benefits that come with having one.  Unlike a normal Facebook, TikTok or Google Ads account, Agency Ad Accounts have fewer limitations imposed on them and at the same time, they also have more advantages.  Advantages that for performance marketers who wish to scale their operations, can be truly game-changing features. One of them is spend limit. With a normal account, you are limited by how much you can Initially spend in a day, say $50 or $250 (before these limits are raised); that spend amount is simply not enough for many marketers. When an opportunity arises, you should be ready to take advantage of it, and with an agency account, from day 1, you have no spending limit at all. Want to spend $10k a day, $100k, you can just go ahead and do that, and the benefits do not end there. Facebook for example is infamous for how strict they are with users following their ad policies (e.g. types of items you can’t advertise), although you still be banned if you breach its policies, when you have an Agency Ad Account, Facebook can be more lenient and forgiving. A big reason for this is that with one of these accounts, someone inside Facebook is ready to help you with any issue you might have with your account, and by talking directly with a FB representative, you can explain your case and remove an unnecessary ban, or properly understand why your offers went down. Moreover, having an Agency Ad Account means that you have an advantage when it comes to auctions, giving you access to better CPMs and CPAs. Or if you are working from an area with a lot of restrictions, you might be able to get whitelisted. All in all, Agency Ad Accounts are the best of the best you can get in the advertising space. Packed with features, access to traffic sources’ representatives and plenty of advantages. And when combined with a powerhouse like TheOptimizer, these types of Ad Accounts can send your scaling and profits to the next level. Sit back, relax and let TheOptimizer run all your campaigns on autopilot. From budget changes, to pausing or activating your ads, adsets and campaigns automatically when predefined conditions are met, to looking at the most detailed reports available, to identify simply what’s working and what’s not. Try the two platforms together, for the ultimate performance marketing experience! To learn more about what Scalix can do for you go here, and for TheOptimizer here.

May 1, 2023



TheOptimizer Team

ANNOUNCING: Biggest Search Arbitrage Meetup Ever

ANNOUNCING: Biggest Search Arbitrage Meetup Ever

This has probably been long-awaited by every search arbitrage marketer!
It was about time to finally take the big step and gather all search arbitrage marketers under one roof!

February 17, 2023



TheOptimizer Team