How to Leverage The Campaign Start Date for Success

March 18, 2024



TheOptimizer Team

You can pour your heart and soul into crafting the perfect ad campaign, but the truth is that not every campaign is destined to succeed.

From the campaign start date to the day it breaks even, there are so many variables involved that sometimes it feels like a guessing game when it comes to finding winners. Remember, each campaign you launch gets served to a different audience, who reacts differently to your creatives, angles, offers, etc.

So, instead of throwing good money after bad campaigns, there’s a smarter way for you to handle these situations.

Frequent Use Cases

Campaign Start Date in Campaign Mass Launching

If you’re launching multiple campaigns on a daily basis you may already know that most of these campaigns will end up getting stopped if they don’t reach specific KPIs within a given time.

Challenge: For instance, if you’re mass-launching campaigns on Meta you know that it might take 2-3 days of running before a campaign starts showing promising results. So you have to consider that and carefully monitor your campaigns daily to make sure that you’re stopping bad campaigns on time. If not, you can easily waste hundreds of $$ on bad campaigns.

The Solution: Instead of handling this process manually, you simply create an automatic rule that stops all bad-performing campaigns automatically.

Campaign Start Date for Controlling Bids

One of the best practices for running native advertising campaigns is that of starting a campaign with a high bid, then after a while dropping it to a more conservative level.

Doing so helps you get over the initial learning phase quicker as well as test your ads against the top publisher sites where the competition is higher and you generally need a higher bid.

The Challenge: While resetting bids to a more conservative level manually, can be an easy task if you’re only launching 2-3 campaigns a week. It becomes pretty challenging when you launch tens of campaigns each day. You have to remember when you launched the campaign, analyze each campaign’s data, and then lower your bid at the right time.

The Solution: Create an automatic rule that resets your campaign bid to a specific level based on your campaign’s actual performance.

Campaign Start Date for Scaling Winners

Every traffic source has its own campaign learning phase and optimization cycles. So before you start scaling a potential campaign, you have to make sure you’re following these cycles and systematically adopting your scaling strategy according to each traffic source.

The Challenge: Tracking the launch date of multiple campaigns, and analyzing each campaign and ad group results manually is pretty challenging even for the most organized media buyers. Most buyers scale their campaigns quite randomly ending up doing quite the opposite of what the traffic source algorithm needs. As a result, turning a potentially profitable campaign in a looser.

The Solution: Create automatic rules to increase your campaign or ad group budgets automatically in steps after X days if the campaigns or ad groups are showing potential results.

Obviously, there are way more situations worth looking at or that need to be addressed using automation, but that would make this post extremely long and hard to follow. Let’s move on to the good stuff and learn how to set up these automatic rules.


How to Add Campaign Start Date in Rules

With the help of automatic optimization rules on TheOptimizer platform, you can automatically pause campaigns or ad groups, change bids and budgets, or run other important optimization actions based on the start date of your campaign.

To use the campaign start date in rules, create an automatic rule of your choice and add any prequalifying conditions like ROI, spend, etc. Then add “Campaign Start Date” as a condition.

campaign start date in rule conditions

Choose from “Greater Than”, “Greater Than or Equal To”, “Less Than”, or “Less Than or Equal To” in the list of logical operators. Then, select the option for using the current date or a specific date.

When using the current date, you can use the logic of “current date minus X days” to look back in the past, or “current date plus X days” to look forward into the future days.

When using a specific date, you are simply executing actions based on a specific date. For example, if “If campaign start date is greater than March 28, 2024”

To put it simply, use “current date” minus or plus a specific number of days when you want to run an action relative to the start date of a campaign. Alternatively, use a specific date if you want to run an action before or after a specific event, such as the end of a promotional campaign or the start of another one.

Log in to your account, or sign up for a free trial today and experience the power of automated campaign management.

Need help with setting up rules?
If you're looking for an easier way to manage your social, search and native advertising campaigns with the help of automation, one of our experts will be happy to talk to you over a personalized demo call.