Taboola Tracking Tokens [Full List]

November 26, 2018



TheOptimizer Team

In this article, you will find all the available tracking tokens/macros for Taboola.

Detailed list of Taboola Tracking Tokens/Macros

Below you may find the full list of available tracking tokens provided by Taboola.

  • Campaign ID – {campaign_id} – This passes back post-click data by the campaign. This returns a unique campaign ID. This campaign ID is can also be found on the “Campaign Management” page in Backstage.
  • Publisher Name – {site} – The site name. This passes back post-click data by referring publisher.
  • Content ID – {campaign_item_id} – This passes back post-click data by item. It returns a unique item ID. This item ID can also be found in the “Top Campaign Content” report in Backstage.
  • Publisher ID – {site_id} – This passes back post-click data by referring to publisher ID. This should be right after the {site} macro.
  • Image URL – {thumbnail} – This passes back post-click data by item. Image URL information will appear in your analytics platform.
  • Title – {title} – This passes back post-click data by title. The headline for your item will appear in your analytics platform.
  • Time Stamp – {timestamp} – This represents the timestamp for when the item was served.
  • Device Type – {platform} – This passes back post-click data by platform “Desktop,” “Mobile,” etc.
  • Taboola Click ID – {click_id} – This passes the ID of the click recorded by Taboola which is also needed to track conversions on Taboola

Pro Tip:
If you are using a tracking platform like Voluum, Thrive, FunnelFlux, Binom or alike, make sure to add Taboola ClickID to the External ID parameter of your traffic source configuration. After successfully configuring the above tracking parameters on your campaign tracking platform your link should appear like the one below:{campaign_id}&publisher={site}&contentid={campaign_item_id}&publisherid={site_id}&imgurl={thumbnail}&title{title}&timestamp={timestamp}&platform={platform}&tclickid={click_id}