Best Performing Verticals for Top Performing Native Ad Platforms (with Examples)

May 19, 2023



TheOptimizer Team

Performance marketers are always looking for new and innovative ways to get the best results possible, especially when designing their new offers. Coming up with a winning ad time after time again can be quite challenging. With tools such AdPlexity, that process becomes far easier. In this article, we’ll look at some of the best-performing offers and verticals, on some of the top-performing native ad platforms in the market.

What is Adplexity?

AdPlexity is a spy tool that allows you to see which are the best-performing ads and verticals currently or during a specific time period. You can choose between plenty of filtering options, such as type of device, country, language, traffic source (as we’ll do in this article), etc, to find what’s working in the space you want to target.












Images displaying some of AdPlexity’s filters.

Top Verticals in Outbrain

Let’s take the following offer and review it (we’re focusing on performance in 2023 alone). As you can see below, you can view the chosen image for the ad, as well as its title and a few quick indicators, such as this offer having received 3690 hits in the past 89 days. If you click on the offer, you’ll enter a more detailed view panel, in which you can see other indicators that can be useful to you. You can see for example that this offer has been performing quite well throughout the week, with a minor dip on Thursdays and Fridays.

For another offer, we can see that 100% of its traffic has come from iPhone devices, and furthermore, we can see from which publishers (this can help you with blacklists) and which placements the majority of traffic has come from. 

Some of the top-performing verticals in Outbrain for 2023 have been: News about celebrities, cars, health routines, travel and dental products among others.

Here are a few more examples:

Top Verticals in MGID

Let’s look at some offers that are performing quite well in MGID. The offer below has received more than 9000 hits in the past 10 days, the vast majority of that traffic coming from Android tablets devices. What’s interesting if we look into more details (see graph below), is that it performs quite well on the first three days of the week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) and has a considerable drop on the other days.

This dental offer, on the other hand, performs the same on all days of the week, except for Saturday when it sees a drop. For this offer, thanks to AdPlexity (feature in Beta), we can even see the offer’s bid history, with the bid for it averaging at $0,03.

Some of the top-performing verticals in MGID for 2023 have been: Losing weight, dental, beauty products, etc.

Top Verticals in RevContent

The first example we’re looking at from RevContent, is this dog food offer which has performed extremely well, with more than 200k hits in the past 4 months. For this offer we can see that the traffic it has received is quite well distributed between different types of devices (with an even distribution between mobile and desktop). Interestingly enough, you can see that some publishers have performed significantly better than other ones, with the first and second ones having a 10% difference from the third best-performing publisher.

In this second offer, we can see that in January it performed quite well compared to other months, with a dip in February, but picking up pace once more in March. For more details, check AdPlexity.

Some of the top-performing verticals in RevContent for 2023 have been: Home gadgets, cars, travel, diets, trading, etc.

Top Verticals in Taboola

Let’s look at some offers in Taboola. The first one you see below for example gets 60% of its total traffic from tablet devices (both Android & iOS devices). While the second offer gets the largest chunk of its traffic share from iPhone devices, and 35% of total traffic from one publisher alone.

AdPlexity gives you the opportunity to see such details and quickly jump on trends.

Some of the top-performing verticals in Taboola for 2023 have been: Dental, travel, software, health, tech, etc.

Top Verticals in Yahoo

Lastly, let’s look at a few Yahoo offers. The first offer has performed really well in April and in May, especially on Mondays and Tuesdays. With its traffic being well-distributed between different devices. Most of the traffic however, 74%, has come from a single widget.

The second offer, has received most of its traffic in April, losing steam in May, and performed better between Tuesday and Saturday. Almost 80% of its traffic came from one publisher alone and three particular widgets performed significantly better than other ones.

Some of the top-performing verticals in Yahoo for 2023 have been: Gaming, housing, beauty, trading, dental, etc.

Bonus: Search Arbitrage

One vertical that has been performing extremely well in recent times across all native traffic sources, is search arbitrage. We just released a mega 200-page guide on all you should know about Search Arb, and how to profit from this new mine that keeps delivering. Currently, TheOptimizer is the only optimization and automation platform that supports some of the main Search Feed Providers (Tonic, Sedo, System1, Domain Active and Bodis). Giving marketers and search arbitragers alike an opportunity not to miss.


While you have all your campaigns run automatically with TheOptimizer, you now have plenty of saved time to focus on your creatives and your offers, making them the best they can be. If you’re having a bit of a hard time figuring out what will perform better, give AdPlexity a try. It’s a fantastic tool that gives you a view into the best-performing offers across the internet and insights into their success.

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