Introduction to Facebook automation rules Get a quick overview of what you can automate on Facebook with TheOptimizer.
Rule Example 1: Pause Low ROAS Facebook Campaigns With this rule, we are going to pause Facebook campaigns that have spent over $100 in the past 7 days, resulted in ROAS lower or equal to $1, and contain “usa” in their name.
Rule Example 2: Activate Positive ROAS Facebook Campaigns With this rule, we are going to activate paused campaigns that have achieved ROAS of at least $1 in the past 7 days.
Rule Example 3: Increase Facebook Campaign Budget This rule will look at any campaigns that have already spent more than 90% of their daily budget with ROAS higher than or equal to $1, and automatically increase the campaign budget by 20%.
Rule Example 4: Reset Facebook Campaign Budget Daily at a Specific Time This rule will reset the campaign budget to $50 each day at 9 am Pacific time.
Rule Example 5: Run Facebook Campaigns Only During Working Hours This dayparting rule will automatically run your campaigns only during working hours, and pause them the rest of the time.
Rule Example 6: Clone Facebook Campaigns with Positive ROAS This rule will look at any Facebook campaigns with positive ROAS and a spend of over $200 in the past 7 days, and automatically clone them only once.
Rule Example 7: Clone Campaigns That Have Spent Less Than 50% of Their Budget in the Previous Day If your campaign has spent less than 50% of its daily budget, you can still scale and pace your budget by cloning said campaign.
Rule Example 8: Get Notified when Campaign Spends 90% of its Daily Budget This rule will simply send you a notification via email, Slack, or Telegram each time one of your campaigns has spent over 90% of its allocated daily budget.
Rule Example 9: Pause Low ROAS Facebook Ad Sets With this rule, we are going to pause Facebook ad sets that have spent over $100 in the past 7 days, resulted in ROAS lower or equal to $1, and contain “usa” in their name.
Rule Example 10: Re-Activate Positive ROAS Facebook Ad Sets This rule will re-activate any paused ad sets with positive ROAS in the past 7 days.
Rule Example 11: Increase Ad Set Bid if it Has Spent Less Than 50% of the Budget With this rule, we are going to increase the ad set bid by 10% at specific times of the day.
Rule Example 12: Set Ad Set Bid to 80% of EPC This rule will look at ad sets that have turned positive revenue, and set their bid to 80% of the EPC.
Rule Example 13: Reset Facebook Ad Set Budget Daily at a Specific Time This rule will reset the ad set daily budget to $50 each day at 9 am EST.
Rule Example 14: Increase Facebook Ad Set Daily Budget This rule will check which ad sets have already spent over 90% of their daily budget, and automatically increase their budget by 20%.
Rule Example 15: Clone Facebook Ad Sets with Positive ROAS This rule will automatically clone and set live ad sets that have spent more than $50 in the past 3 days, and resulted in positive ROAS.
Rule Example 16: Clone Profitable Ad Sets with Low Spend This rule will automatically clone 3 times ad sets with positive ROAS, which have spent less than $50 in the past 3 days.
Rule Example 17: Pause Facebook Ads with Low CTR & Low Engagement This rule will pause Facebook ads that have already spent more than $50 over the past 3 days, but resulted in low CTR and engagement.
Rule Example 18: Re-activate Facebook Ads with Positive ROAS in the Last 7 Days This rule will re-activate any paused ads with positive ROAS in the past 7 days.
Rule Example 19: Clone Facebook Ads with Good Engagement & Positive ROAS This rule will clone ads that have already spent more than $50, garnered over 10 likes, and resulted in positive ROAS over the last 3 days.