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Supercharge Native Ads: The Optimizer x MediaGo Integration
NativeFeaturesPlatform Updates

Supercharge Native Ads: The Optimizer x MediaGo Integration

We have great news for native advertisers looking to make their lives easier: our new TheOptimizer x MediaGo integration is live!  If you are not advertising on MediaGo, stick around to find out why you might want to consider having a presence on the platform.  In this article, we will introduce MediaGo, explain the features & benefits of the integration with examples, and showcase how the integration works in practice. MediaGo Integration: Discover The Platform MediaGo is an AI-integrated native advertising platform, with a strong focus on maximizing return on investment for marketers.  With a reach spanning 29 countries, including Europe and North America, and partnered with 10,000+ premium media outlets like MSN and Google, MediaGo provides a large selection of top-quality ad placements.  They are among the few native advertising platforms that leverage the power of deep learning. Thus, MediaGo is able to provide essential features like fraud protection, predicting traffic quality & click-through rates, and generating dynamic ads.  For advertisers, MediaGo offers advanced targeting options based on ad format, apps, countries, and more.  If you want to explore the platform further, you can sign up here.  MediaGo Integration: Features & Benefits So, what can you actually do with The Optimizer’s MediaGo integration?  For starters, if you have multiple MediaGo accounts, you can connect and manage all of them from The Optimizer’s user-friendly dashboard. If you are using third-party trackers, such as ClickFlare, Voluum, or RedTrack, or you are a search arbitrager working with one of the main search feeds, such as Tonic or Sedo, you can connect all your accounts, fully centralizing your campaign management. For a list of all the integrations we support, click here.  Since The Optimizer has a direct API integration with all these platforms, we will automatically pull the updated data. Now, you will be able to see in a single report all your MediaGo and tracker/search feed data side-by-side. Say goodbye to logging into dozens of accounts each day, switching between tabs, and endless CSV reports! In the example above, the TR EPC and TR CPA are being pulled directly from the tracker, while TS Clicks are being pulled from MediaGo. The metrics you see reported here are customizable, so you can remove anything that is not useful, add different metrics, and even calculate custom metrics of your own using a formula. All these metrics can be used to set up campaign automation in the next step.  Now, you are ready to supercharge your native ads with our campaign automation functionality!  For example, you can now automatically pause or block bad publishers, campaigns, and ads, using rules. Here is how a rule for blocking bad publishers would look like: You have full freedom over which metrics to use, how often to let the rule run, and which campaigns to include for each rule.  Similarly, you can also set rules to automatically increase or decrease bids & budgets based on performance, and apply dayparting to your campaigns. MediaGo Integration: How Does it Work? The new MediaGo integration means that we will be able to automatically pull the data from the native ad platform, and the entire setup on your side will only take a few minutes.  In order to connect your MediaGo accounts, you simply need to select a nickname, account timezone & currency, and input the API token, which you can find directly on MediaGo.  Next, you can choose to connect your tracker or search feed accounts the same way. If you are planning on testing out the integration and need more technical help on how to do it, read our detailed guide on how the MediaGo integration works here.  For more tips on how to boost your native ad campaigns, we have a dedicated article on it here.  MediaGo Integration: Conclusion If you have been manually running ads on MediaGo and looking for an easier way to do things, The Optimizer x MediaGo integration can help you out by centralizing all your ad & tracker accounts and providing detailed reporting.  You can also automate your routine campaign optimization tasks, such as pausing underperforming sites, campaigns & ads, adjusting bids & budgets based on performance, starting or stopping campaigns at pre-specified times and more.  New to MediaGo? You can sign up for the premium native ad platform via this link.

October 10, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

When and How to Duplicate Ads for Enhanced Performance

When and How to Duplicate Ads for Enhanced Performance

There are many different ways to scale your Facebook and TikTok campaigns, and one that top marketers are loving right now is the duplication method.  In this article, we will discuss when and how to duplicate an ad, ad set/ad group, and campaign on Facebook & TikTok to boost performance and scale profitably. When to Duplicate Ads, Ad Sets/Ad Groups, and Campaigns on Facebook & TikTok Use Cases Duplicating ads, ad sets/ad groups, and campaigns can be a great way to horizontally scale your budget and extend performance. Facebook and TikTok both have guidelines against increasing budgets by more than 20% at a time, so if you want to scale your top-performing assets faster, duplicating is a good alternative. Image by Insense On the other hand, seasoned advertisers use the duplication method when an ad (or ad set/ad group) is not delivering. Sometimes assets that have good creatives, setup and targeting, simply don’t get many impressions. Although it’s not clear why this happens, re-launching the same asset at prime time can be the solution. If you are confident in your creative and targeting, but the ad or ad set/ad group is just not working out, you could use duplication to give the asset another chance.  How to ensure success If done right, this strategy can add a real performance-boosting kick! To make it work, you need to take into consideration the following things. First, you need to know your numbers and have a clear definition of what counts as a successful or unsuccessful ad, ad set/ad group & campaign. For this you should identify important metrics for your business (such as ROAS, CPA, conversions) and continuously monitor them against your benchmarks.  Second, you need to ensure that your duplicates go live at prime times. For example, if your campaigns perform better in the morning, you need to launch new duplicated campaigns during that time frame. Image by SocialPilot If you are not sure when to post for best results, you can review your account stats to see when your audience is most active, or do some research on the best posting times online.  Image by SocialPilot Finally, if your advertising budget is low, it doesn’t make much sense to create several duplicates. This method is more suited for advertisers who are testing different assets and allocating a larger budget to each campaign. It also helps if you are advertising to a large audience, because it significantly reduces the chance that your duplicates are being viewed by the same users.  How to Duplicate Ads, Ad Sets/Ad Groups, and Campaigns on Facebook & TikTok You can duplicate ads manually on Ads Manager, or automate the process using a campaign automation tool like The Optimizer. Let’s take a look at both cases.  In order to duplicate manually on the platforms, you simply need to hover over the campaign you wish to duplicate, and click on “Duplicate”. Next, you will see a screen where you need to select duplication options and the number of copies:  The process is the same for duplicating ad sets and ads.  If you are launching a large number of ads, ad sets/ad groups, and campaigns, this method can become time consuming and tricky to manage. For each asset, you will need to monitor their KPIs daily, wait for them to hit the targets you set, and manually duplicate them at prime times. This is where automation comes into play.   With TheOptimizer, you can fully automate your duplication strategy through rules and conditions. In this example, each ad set/ad group that has already spent more than $100, has a ROAS larger than 2.5, and has led to one or more purchases, will be automatically duplicated and set live each day at 6 AM (at your preferred timezone).  The logic works exactly the same for both Facebook and TikTok, and for duplicating ads and campaigns. The metrics, numbers, and conditions you see above can be modified according to your own needs. Each time The Optimizer makes a change, you will be notified via email, Telegram or Slack.  This is a major time saver and ensures that your duplication strategy is done right. Now you don’t have to check your stats all the time, and you don’t have to wake up at 6 AM to set anything live. The system will take care of everything for you.  If you want to learn more about how to automatically duplicate ads, ad sets/ad groups, and campaigns with The Optimizer, click here. The duplication feature is only one of the things you cannot currently automate on Facebook or TikTok. Read more about the other features we offer for Facebook automation and TikTok automation via these links. When and How to Duplicate Ads for Enhanced Performance: Conclusion Whether you duplicate assets manually or using a campaign automation tool like The Optimizer, this is a powerful strategy you need to explore in order to scale your Facebook and TikTok campaigns profitably.   The two main use cases for this feature are to horizontally scale your budgets for extended performance and to give an extra opportunity to an asset that is not delivering.  In order to ensure that you are leveraging this strategy’s full potential, you need to identify important metrics for your business, constantly monitor them, and ensure the duplication only happens at prime times. The Optimizer can help with all these challenges.

September 1, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: What’s the Difference?

The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: What’s the Difference?

Working with our clients, we often get the question, “Why would someone need both The Optimizer and ClickFlare?”. While the two marketing tools share a few similarities, they also differ greatly in functionality and features.  In this article, we will dive deeper into The Optimizer vs ClickFlare comparison, discuss their differences, and how you can use them in combination for better results.  The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: The Similarities Starting with the obvious, both The Optimizer and ClickFlare are tools that help marketers improve their performance. They are both part of the same parent company, and are created to address various pain points online marketers encounter.  As a marketer in 2023, you probably know how important it is to advertise on various platforms at the same time. If you are advertising on Meta, TikTok, Google, or native platforms at once, it can become tricky to have an overview of the bigger picture and manage all your ad accounts effectively. This is why both The Optimizer and ClickFlare have a direct integration with all the major advertising platforms in the world (social, search and native), allowing you to manage all your accounts from a single dashboard. If you are in the search arbitrage industry, both The Optimizer and ClickFlare have a direct integration and can pull data automatically from the major search feed providers, such as System1, Tonic, Sedo, Domain Active, and  This is as far as the similarities between the two platforms go. Now, let’s take a look at the differences. The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: The Differences Although both The Optimizer and ClickFlare have the same integrations, they serve different purposes. The Optimizer is a campaign management & automation tool for advertisers, while ClickFlare is a tracker.  As a tracker, ClickFlare allows you to automatically track click data, create complex funnels, test different offers, fix attribution issues through the conversion API integrations and postbacks , generate detailed reports, compare performance, and more.   The Optimizer pulls data from your traffic source and tracker exclusively through API, and it allows you to manage your campaigns on auto-pilot via an advanced rule engine. You can create rules to automatically pause campaigns or ads when certain conditions are met, increase or decrease budgets by predetermined amounts at specific times of the day, clone top performing campaigns and more.    Both products can work as standalone – if you need a tracker but aren’t ready to dive into campaign automation yet, you can still use ClickFlare.  Vice versa, you can use The Optimizer in combination with other trackers (we have an integration with all the other major trackers like Voluum, RedTrack, Google Analytics, AssertiveYield, Everflow etc). If you are doing search arbitrage, you can also directly integrate with the biggest search feed providers. Finally, you can use The Optimizer without a tracker as well. As far as you are passing accurate data back to the traffic sources, then that would be enough for TheOptimizer to automate your campaigns.   Because these tools can work separately from one another, they also have separate pricing plans. The Optimizer starts at $199/month, and ClickFlare starts at $69/month.  The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: Why You Need Both Although The Optimizer and ClickFlare work great as standalone tools, they work even better when used simultaneously.  As mentioned above, ClickFlare provides super granular data on click level, so you will be able to see in-depth data about your traffic. You can use ClickFlare’s advanced tracking capabilities to get access to fast, reliable and accurate data, and then feed this data to The Optimizer to automate campaign optimization tasks via precise rules.  Because The Optimizer is a rule engine that works based on conditions (such as, if CPA is greater than 25, pause campaign), its success heavily relies on the data it receives from your cost and revenue side. If this data is accurate, the automation rules will have a much higher success rate.  The two platforms also have a strong integration with each other, which means you can connect your ClickFlare tracker account to The Optimizer and pull your data in a matter of seconds using our ready-made tracking template. That way, you can implement both tools right away without any hassle or complicated tech work on your side.  We also offer extensive support to our users. Our team of experts works closely together to help you set everything up on the tracking side and explore what you can do with campaign automation through a free on-boarding session. This way, you won’t get lost between the two tools, and you will receive proper support on how to best use the two platforms in combination. The Optimizer vs ClickFlare: Conclusion In this article about The Optimizer vs ClickFlare, we discussed the main differences between the two tools and how they complement each other.  ClickFlare is a tracking tool that allows you to gather quick and reliable data, while The Optimizer uses that data to automate campaign optimization tasks via our advanced rule engine. Using both tools together will allow you to save an immense amount of time and hassle, and scale your campaigns faster on platforms such as TikTok, Meta, Google, and native advertising platforms.  If you want to explore these tools further, you can always book a free demo call with one of our ClickFlare experts here, and with The Optimizer team here.  If you’re looking for more marketing tools that will make your life easier, read our article on The Top 9 Affiliate Marketing Tools You Need In 2023 and 9 Must-Have TikTok Tools. 

August 18, 2023

Sara Bregasi

Sara Bregasi

Content Writer

New Integration Alert: YahooDSP

New Integration Alert: YahooDSP

We are very happy to announce our newest integration in TheOptimizer: YahooDSPWe are one of the first (or the first) automation tool to integrate with YahooDSP

January 12, 2023



TheOptimizer Team

Can’t miss! 90 Days Free Automation for Google Ads
FeaturesGoogle Ads

Can’t miss! 90 Days Free Automation for Google Ads

TheOptimizer will help you save time and scale your Google Ads campaigns thanks to the multiple automation rules that we offer.

January 10, 2023



TheOptimizer Team