Glossary Of Terms

Traffic Source Metrics and Terms

List of reported metrics using traffic source reported information.

Amount Spent – currency
Shows the ad spend amount as reported by the traffic source (ad network).

Clicks – number
Shows the number of ad clicks reported by the traffic source (ad network).

Conversions – number
Shows the number of conversions tracked and reported by the traffic source (ad network).

Cpa – currency
Shows the calculated cost per action based on the ad spend and the number of conversions reported by the traffic source (ad network).

[Cpa] = [Amount Spent] / [Conversions]

Cvr – percentage
Shows the calculated conversion rate based on the ad clicks and the number of conversions reported by the traffic source (ad network).

[Cvr] = ( [Clicks] / [Conversions] ) x 100

Revenue – currency
Shows the revenue reported by the traffic source (ad network). This revenue is usually tracked by the ad network’s pixel, or sent to the ad network via a server-2-server postback.

Net – currency
Shows the calculated net profit based on the ad spend and revenue reported by the traffic source (ad network).

[Net] = [Revenue] – [Amount Spent]

Roi – percentage
Shows the calculated return on investment based on the ad spend and revenue reported by the traffic source (ad network).

[Roi] = ( [Net] / [Amount Spent] ) x 100

Epc – currency

Shows the calculated earning per click based on the reported number of ad clicks and revenue from the traffic source (ad network).

[Epc] = [Revenue] / [Clicks]

Impressions – number
Shows the number of ad impressions reported by the traffic source (ad network).

Ctr – percentage (Taboola only)

Shows the click-through rate reported by the traffic source (ad network).

[Ctr] = ( [Clicks] / [Imp] ) x 100

Viewable Impressions – number (Taboola only)

Shows the amount of viewed ad impressions as reported by the traffic source (ad network).

vCtr – percentage (Taboola only)

The viewable click-through rate reported by the traffic source (ad network)

[vCtr] = ( [Clicks] / [ Viewable Impressions] ) x 100

Avg. Cpc – currency

The average cost-per-click calculated based on the total cost and number of ad clicks reported by the traffic source.

[Avg. CPC] = [Amount Spent] / [Clicks]

Camp. ID

Shows the unique campaign identifier as reported by the traffic source (ad network).


Specifies the current status of a campaign, widget, content, etc. as reported from the traffic source (ad network).

Daily Budget – currency

Shows the daily budget allocated on the campaign level as reported by the traffic source. The value can be edited from TheOptimizer.

Total Budget – currency

Shows the total budget allocated on the campaign level as reported by the traffic source. The value can be edited from TheOptimizer.

Widget ID – string / sub-entity of the campaign

Refers to the publisher site name or id as pulled by the traffic source. Depending on the traffic source, this value can be a text string, number, or a combination of both.

This entity also determines the value based on which TheOptimizer matches publisher-level performance statistics from the traffic source to the tracker side.

Content ID – string / sub-entity of the campaign

Refers to the unique identifier of the ad creative as reported by the traffic source. Depending on the traffic source, this value can be a text string, number, or a combination of both.

This entity also determines the value based on which TheOptimizer matches ad-level performance statistics from the traffic source to the tracker side.

Section ID – string / sub-entity of the campaign (Outbrain only)

Refers to the unique identifier of the publisher section as reported by the traffic source. Depending on the traffic source, this value can be a text string, number, or a combination of both.

This entity also determines the value based on which TheOptimizer matches section-level performance statistics from the traffic source to the tracker side.

Tracking Platform Metrics and Terms

Clicks (Tracker) – number

The amount of Ad Clicks (campaign link visits) reported by the tracking platform.

Landing Page Clicks – number

The amount of visitors which clicked on a call-to-action link inside your landing page (click to an offer link), as reported by the tracking platform.

Landing Page Ctr – percentage

The calculated landing page click-through rate percentage, based on landing page clicks and total clicks reported by the tracking platform.

[Landing Page Ctr] = ( [Landing Page Clicks] / [ Clicks (Tracker)] ) x 100

Landing Page Cpc – currency

The calculated average landing page cost-per-click, based on the number of Landing Page Clicks reported by the tracking platform and the Amount Spent reported by the traffic source.

[Landing Page Cpc] = [Amount Spent] / [ Landing Page Clicks]

Landing Page Cr – percentage

The calculated Landing Page Conversion Rate, based on the amount of Landing Page Clicks and Conversions (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Landing Page Cr] = ( [Conversions (Tracker) ] / [Landing Page Clicks] ) x 100

Conversions (Tracker) – number

The number of conversion events reported by the tracking platform. Note: this does not include custom conversions. Only the main conversion event.

Cpa (Tracker) – currency

The calculated cost per action (acquisition) based on the number of conversions reported by the tracking platform and the amount spent reported by the traffic source.

[Cpa (Tracker)] = [Amount Spent] / [Conversions (Tracker)]

Cvr (Tracker) – percentage

The calculated conversion rate based on the number of clicks and conversions reported by the tracking platform.

[Cvr (Tracker)] = ( [Conversions (Tracker)] / [Clicks (Tracker)] ) x 100

Revenue (Tracker) – currency

Shows the generated revenue as reported by the tracking platform. Note: this does not include revenues from custom conversions. It only includes the main Revenue column of your tracker.

Net (Tracker) – currency

The calculated net profit based on the Amount Spent reported by the traffic source and the Revenue (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Net (Tracker)] = [Revenue (Tracker)] – [Amount Spent]

Roi (Tracker) – percentage

The calculated return on investment based on the Amount Spend reported by the traffic source, and Revenue (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Roi (Tracker)] = ( [Net (Tracker)] / [Amount Spent] ) x 100

Epc (Tracker) – currency

The calculated earning per click based on the Revenue (Tracker) and Clicks (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Epc (Tracker)] = [Revenue (Tracker)] / [Clicks (Tracker)]

Epc – currency (best option)

The earning per click based on the Revenue (Tracker), reported by the tracking platform, and ad Clicks you paid for on the traffic source.
The reason why this version of Epc is needed is because sometimes tracking platforms might report more or less clicks, compared to the traffic source, so the Epc might not be as accurate as the one calculated on traffic source clicks.

[Epc] = [Revenue (Tracker)] / [Clicks]

Payout – currency

The average revenue that each conversion is generating. Payout is automatically calculated using the Revenue (Tracker) and Conversions (Tracker), but you can also override the automatic payout by clicking on the Payout cell and entering a static value manually.

[Payout] = [Revenue (Tracker)] / [Conversions (Tracker]

** Important: Please note that this value can also be set manually by overriding the actually calculated metric.

Est. Spent – currency

NOTE: Estimated Spend is only available if you have connected a tracking platform.
To make up for the delay some traffic sources have in reporting the accurate spend for the day, we try to estimate its value using the average Cpc and multiplying it by the amount of clicks reported by your trackign platform, Clicks (Tracker).

[Est. Spent] = [Avg. Cpc] x [Clicks (Tracker)]

Est. Net – currency

The estimated net profit, calculated based on the Estimated Spent (calculated in TheOptimizer) and the number of Clicks (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Est. Net] = [Revenue (Tracker)] – [Est. Spent]

Est. Roi – percentage

The calculated return on investment based on the Estimated Spent (calculated by TheOptimizer) and Revenue (Tracker) reported by the tracking platform.

[Est. Roi] = ( [Est. Net] / [Est. Spent] ) x 100

Search Arbitrage Metrics and Terms

Search Feed Clicks – number

Refers to the amount of the reported search ad clicks (aka. revenue events) happening on a parked domain.

Search Feed Revenue – currency

Refers to the revenue generated by the publisher clicks happening on the parked domain.

Google Analytics Metrics and Terms

Entrances – number

The number of entrances to the property measured as the first pageview in a session.

Page Views – number

Reports the total number of page views for the tracked content property.

Unique Page Views – number

Reports the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique pageview is counted for each page URL + page title combination.

Time on Page – time

Reports the average time a visitor spent on a specific page.

PVS – number

Reports the calculated number of page views per session.

Exits – number

Reports the total amount of tracked exits from the content property.

Page Value – time

Reports the average value of a page or set of pages, which is equal to (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:uniquePageviews.

Users – number

Reports the number of visitors accessing the content property.

New Users – number

Reports the number of sessions marked as a user’s first sessions accessing the content property.

Sessions – number

Reports the total number of sessions measured on the content property.

Session Duration – time

Reports the duration of the user session.

Avg. Session Duration – time

Reports the calculated average duration time of the visitor session.

Bounces – number

Reports the total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property.

Bounce Rate – percentage

Reports the calculated one-page visits divided by the total number of entrances to a content property.

Goal Starts – number

Reports total number of starts for the first 5 goals (1 – 5) defined in the GA account.

Goal Completions – number

Reports total number of competitions for the first 5 goals (1 – 5) defined in the GA account.

AdSense Revenue – currency

Reports the total revenue generated from AdSense ads.

AdSense Ad Units Viewed – number

Reports the number of AdSense ad units viewed (requires integration with AdSense). An ad unit is a set of ads displayed as a result of one piece of the AdSense ad code. For details, see

AdSense Ad Clicked – number

Reports the number of times AdSense ads on the site were clicked (requires integration with AdSense).

AdSense Page Impressions – number

Reports the number of pageviews during which an AdSense ad was displayed (requires integration with AdSense). A page impression can have multiple ad units.

EPAC – currency

Reports the calculated earnings per ad click.

EPV – currency

Google Analytics Only. Reports the calculated earnings per view. EPV = Adsense Revenue / GA Page Views

EPS – currency

Google Analytics Only. Reports the calculated earnings per session.

Facebook Metrics and Terms

LeadsLeads reported by Facebook
TS ClicksFacebook Clicks
CommentsFacebook Comments
Ad. ImpressionsFacebook Ad Impressions
Inline Link ClicksInline link clicks on you Ad
ROASReturn on Ad spending reported by Facebook
LikesLikes on your Ad
Link clicks
App installs
Page Eng.Page engagements initiated by this Ad.
Post Eng.Post engagements initiated by this Ad
ReactionsReactions on your Ad post
U. Inline Link ClicksUnique Inline link clicks
ConversionsFacebook Conversions

Assertive Yield Metrics and Terms

Check out the Official docs for more

AY ClicksAssertive Yield Clicks
Clicks BouncedAssertive Yield Clicks Bounced
Clicks ReturnedAssertive Yield Clicks Returned
D ImpressionsAssertive Yield Direct Impressions
D RevenueAssertive Yield Direct Revenue
DA ImpressionsDynamic Allocation Impressions
DA Predicted ImpressionsDynamic Allocation Predicted Impressions
DA Predicted Revenue (Client)Dynamic Allocation Predicted Revenue
DA Predicted Revenue (Server)Dynamic Allocation Predicted Revenue Server
DA RevenueDynamic Allocation Revenue
DA Revenue with ForecastDynamic Allocation Revenue With Forecast
DA Revenue with Forecast (Client)Dynamic Allocation Revenue With Forecast Client
First Five IndicatorAssertive Yield First Five Indicator
AY ImpressionsAssertive Yield Impressions
AY Line Item RevenueAssertive Yield Line Item Revenue
AY Page ViewsAssertive Yield Page Views
PB Lost ImpressionsPrebid Lost Impressions
PB Lost RevenuePrebid Lost Revenue
PB Lost ImpressionsPrebid Lost Impressions
PB Lost RevenuePrebid Lost Revenue
PB RevenuePrebid Revenue
PB Won ImpressionsPrebid Won Impressions
PB Won RevenuePrebid Won Revenue
AY New SessionsAssertive Yield Session Starts
AY SessionsAssertive Yield Sessions
AY ViewableAssertive Yield Viewable
Nativo ImpressionsAssertive Yield Nativo Impressions
Nativo RevenueAssertive Yield Nativo Revenue
AY Ads Per PageviewAssertive Yield Ads Per Pageviewimpressions / pageViews
AY Ads Per SessionAssertive Yield Ads Per Sessionimpressions / sessions
Click-Leave RateClick-Leave Rate( clicks – clicksReturned )/ clicks
AY CTRAY CTRclicks / impressions *100
D PageView RPMDirect PageView RPMdirect_revenue / pageViews * 1000
D PageView Value-RPMDirect PageView Value-RPMdirect_pageView_rpm * viewability
D RPMDirect RPMdirect_revenue / direct_impressions * 1000
D Session RPMDirect Session RPMdirect_revenue / sessions * 1000
D Win RateDirect Win Ratedirect_impressions / impressions
DA PageView RPMDynamicAllocation PageView RPMdynamicAllocation_revenue / pageViews * 1000
DA RPMDynamicAllocation RPMdynamicAllocation_revenue / dynamicAllocation_impressions * 1000
DA Session RPMDynamicAllocation Session RPMdynamicAllocation_revenue / sessions * 1000
DA Session RPM with ForecastDynamicAllocation Session RPMdynamicAllocation_revenue_with_forecast / sessions * 1000
DA Win RateDynamicAllocation Win RatedynamicAllocation_impressions / impressions
AY Miss-Click RateAssertive Yield Miss-Click RateclicksBounced / clicks
P ImpressionsProgrammatic Impressionsprebid_won_impressions + dynamicAllocation_impressions
P RevenueProgrammatic Revenueprebid_won_revenue + dynamicAllocation_revenue
P Revenue with DA ForecastProgrammatic Revenue with Dynamic Allocation Forecastprebid_won_revenue + dynamicAllocation_revenue_with_forecast
PageViews per SessionpageViews / sessions
PB PageView RPMPrebid PageViews RPMprebid_revenue / pageViews * 1000
PB RPMPrebid RPMprebid_revenue / impressions * 1000
PB Session RPMPrebid Session RPMprebid_revenue / sessions * 1000
PB Win RatePrebid Win Rateprebid_won_impressions / impressions
PBL PageView RPMPrebid Lost Pageview RPMprebid_lost_revenue / pageViews * 1000
PBL RPMPrebid Lost RPMprebid_lost_revenue / prebid_lost_impressions * 1000
PBL Session RPMPrebid Lost RPMprebid_lost_revenue / sessions * 1000
PBL Session Value-RPMPrebid Lost Session Value-RPMprebid_lost_session_rpm * viewability
PBL Value-RPMPrebid Lost Value-RPMprebid_lost_rpm * viewability
PBW PageView Value-RPMPrebidWon PageView Value-RPMprebid_won_pageView_rpm * viewability
PBW PageView RPMPrebid Won Pageview RPMprebid_won_revenue / pageViews * 1000
PBW RPMPrebid Won RPMprebid_won_revenue / prebid_won_impressions * 1000
PBW Session RPMPrebid Won Session RPMprebid_won_revenue / sessions * 1000
PBW Session Value-RPMPrebid Won Session Value-RPMprebid_won_session_rpm * viewability
PBW Value-RPMPrebid Won Value RPMprebid_won_rpm * viewability
RPM with DA ForecastRPM with Dynamic Allocation Forecastrevenue_with_forecast / impressions * 1000
Session RPM with DA ForecastSession RPM with Dynamic Allocation Forecastrevenue_with_forecast / sessions * 1000
Session Value-RPMSession Value-RPMsession_rpm * viewability
Value-RPMValue RPMrpm * viewability
NTV PageView RPMNativo Pageview RPMnativo_revenue / pageViews * 1000
NTV RPMNativo RPMnativo_revenue / nativo_impressions * 1000
NTV Session RPMNativo Session RPMnativo_revenue / sessions * 1000
RevenueAssertive Yield Revenueprebid_won_revenue + dynamicAllocation_revenue + direct_revenue
Revenue with DA ForecastRevenue with Dynamic Allocation Forecastprebid_won_revenue + dynamicAllocation_revenue_with_forecast + direct_revenue
ViewabilityAssertive Yield Viewabilityviewable / impressions
RPMRPMrevenue / impressions * 1000
Session RPMSession RPMrevenue / sessions * 1000
D Session Value-RPMDirect Session Value-RPMdirect_session_rpm * viewability
PB PageView Value-RPMPrebid PageView Value-RPMprebid_pageView_rpm * viewability
PB Session Value-RPMPrebid Session Value-RPMprebid_session_rpm * viewability
PB Value-RPMPrebid Value-RPMprebid_rpm * viewability
PBL PageView Value-RPMPrebid Lost PageView Value-RPMprebid_lost_pageView_rpm * viewability
D Value-RPMDirect Value-RPMdirect_rpm * viewability
P RPMProgrammatic RPMprogrammatic_revenue / programmatic_impressions * 1000
P Session RPMProgrammatic Session RPMprogrammatic_revenue / sessions * 1000
P Session RPM with ForecastProgrammatic Session RPM with Forecastprogrammatic_revenue_with_forecast / sessions * 1000
P Session Value-RPMProgrammatic Session Value-RPMprogrammatic_session_rpm * viewability
P Value-RPMProgrammatic Value-RPMprogrammatic_rpm * viewability
P Win RateProgrammatic Win Rateprogrammatic_impressions / impressions
PageView RPMPageView RPMrevenue / pageViews * 1000
PageView Value-RPMPageView Value-RPMpageView_rpm * viewability
DA PageView Value-RPMDynamic Allocation PageView Value-RPMdynamicAllocation_pageView_rpm * viewability
DA Session Value-RPMDynamicAllocation Session Value-RPMdynamicAllocation_session_rpm * viewability
DA Value-RPMDynamicAllocation Value-RPMdynamicAllocation_rpm * viewability
P PageView RPMProgrammatic PageView RPMprogrammatic_revenue / pageViews * 1000
P PageView Value-RPMProgrammatic PageView Value-RPMprogrammatic_pageView_rpm * viewability

Amazon Metrics and Terms

Total CostTotal Cost including all fees reported by Amazon
Total FeeTotal fees reported by Amazon 
Supply Cost
ClicksClick Throughs
Measurable ImpMeasurable Impressions
Video playsVideo starts
Video CompletedVideo Completed
App viewsMobile App views
App ClicksApp Clicks
DPV ViewsDPv Views
DPV ClicksDPv Clicks
PRPV ViewsPRPV Views
PRPV Clicks
ATL Views
ATL Clicks
ATC Views
ATC Clicks
Purchase Clicks
Watchlist ViewsAdd to watchlist views
Subscription Clicks
Subscription Views
Units Sold
Subscribe ViewsSubscribe and Save Views
Subscribe ClicksSubscribe and Save Clicks
Purchase ViewsPurchase Views
Purchase ClicksPurchase Clicks
Total Pixel CVR
eCPPEstimated Cost per purchaseTotal cost / Purchase
Total Pixel CPATotal COST / Total Pixel
Product Purchased CVRProduct purchased / Impressions
Total Product Purchased CVRTotal Product purchased / Impressions
eCP DPVTotal cost / DPV
eCP ATCTotal cost / ATC
Purchases RatePurchases / Impressions
eCP PurchaseTotal cost / Purchases
New Subscribe And Save eCPPTotal cost / Subscription and save
Cost Per Subscription And SaveTotal cost / amz_total_subscribe_and_save_subscription
Total Subscribe And Save Subscription RateSnSS / Impressions
DPV RateDPV / Impressions
Total Add To Cart RateATCR = ATC / Impressions
Total Add To Cart CPAeCPATC = Total cost / ATC
Total eCPPTotal cost / Total Purchases
Total New To Brand Product eCPPTotal cost / New-to-brand purchases
Total New To Brand Purchase RateTotal purchases / New-to-brand purchases
Total ROASTotal cost / total sales
Purchases Views
Add To Watchlist Clicks
Total Detail Page Clicks
Total Detail Page Views
Total Add To List Views
Total Add To List Clicks
Total Add To Cart Views
Total Add To Cart Clicks
Total Purchases Views
Total Purchases Clicks
Total New To Brand Purchases Views
Total New To Brand Purchases Clicks
Total Subscribe And Save Subscription Views
Total Subscribe And Save Subscription Clicks
Total Pixel Views
Total Pixel Clicks
Mobile App First Start
DPVDetail Page view
PPRVProduct Page Views
ATLAdd to List
ATCAdd To Card
Add To Watchlist
Subscription Page
New Subscribe And Save
Product Purchased
Total Detail Page
Total Add To List
Total Add To Cart
Total Purchases
Total New To Brand Purchases
Total Subscribe And Save Subscription
Total Pixel
Viewable Impressions
Video Midpoint
Total New To Brand Units Sold
New To Brand Units Sold
New To Brand Product Sales
Total New To Brand Product Sales
Total Units Sold
Total Sales
Updated on December 29, 2023
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