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  4. 6. How to generate various TikTok reports
  5. How to generate a TikTok cross-campaign report with TheOptimizer

How to generate a TikTok cross-campaign report with TheOptimizer

If you want to compare the performance of all your TikTok campaigns, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Reporting on the left-hand side menu bar, and click on the Campaigns tab

Step 2: On the drop-down list of traffic sources, select TikTok

Step 3: Optionally, select a specific TikTok ad account. If you skip this step, the report will automatically consider all your connected TikTok ad accounts.

Step 4: Choose your data timeframe, and adjust it to your needs (from Today to Last 6 Months)

Step 5: Break down your data by day, month, or year

Step 6: Click Apply to generate the campaign report

Step 7: You can export your report as a CSV or Excel file

Generate ad-level reports for TikTok

Instead of campaigns, you can also break down performance reports on an ad level. Here is an example.

Updated on February 26, 2024
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