Written by Support. Updated over a week ago
This article will help you understand how to manually upload conversion data to TheOptimizer, if you are using a 3rd party tracking system or CRM that is not integrated via API to our system.
In order to upload your data (clicks, conversions, revenue, etc) from a 3rd party tracking system or CRM in TheOptimizer Native, simply go to Manual Stats Update then click on Upload CSV File.
The CSV file columns must respect a certain naming format. You can download our CSV template and use it to generate the final CSV.
Using the CSV format you will be able to upload data for different entities (Campaigns, Widgets/Sites/ Publishers, Ads/Contents, Sections, Ad Groups/Ad Sets, etc) with a single file.
NOTE: One single row will only update the revenue for the “type” and the ID specified. For example if you enter a row with Type=campaign and TrafficSourceCampaignId=12345, then the revenue will only be updated at campaign level for campaign 12345. Ads or other placements inside the campaign will not be updated. You will need to enter a separate row, with the appropriate “Type” value and the revenue amount, for each placement that you want to update the revenue for.
Not all the columns are required, depending on the entity type that you are updating, the required columns are: Date, Type, TrafficSourceCampaignId, one of [TrafficSourceWidgetId or TrafficSourceContentId or TrafficSourceSectionId, etc] depending on the entity that is being updated, and one or multiple columns with the data that are being uploaded (tracker data, traffic source data, or search feed data).
Once the upload process has been completed you will get an email with more details about the upload process and possible errors.
CSV Columns Explained
Below you can find a full list of all the columns with a short description for each of them to help you decide which columns you need to use:
- Date: REQUIRED – The date that is going to be updated in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
- Type: REQUIRED – The entity that is being updated. Possible values are: campaign, widget, site, publisher, ad, content, section, adgroup, adset, domain, exchange.
- TrafficSourceCampaignId: REQUIRED – The ID of the campaign in the traffic source.
- TrafficSourceWidgetId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=widget otherwise leave empty – The ID of the Widget, Site or Publisher that is being updated. The ID must be in the format that you see in TheOptimzer in the Widgets, Sites or Publishers tab.
- TrafficSourceContentId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=content otherwise leave empty – The ID of the Ad/Content that is being updated.
- TrafficSourceSectionId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=section otherwise leave empty
The ID of the Outbrain section that is being updated. - TrafficSourceDomainId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=domain otherwise leave empty
The ID of the domain that is being updated. - TrafficSourceSiteId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=site otherwise leave empty
The ID of the VoluumDSP site that is being updated . - TrafficSourceExchangeId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=site otherwise leave empty
The ID of the VoluumDSP exchange that is being updated . - TrafficSourceAdGroupId: OPTIONAL – only required if type=adgroup otherwise leave empty
The ID of the Ad Group that is being updated. - TrackerCampaignId: OPTIONAL – The ID of the campaign on your tracking platform. This is only necessary if you are uploading Search Feed data from platforms like Tonic, Sedo, Domain Active, etc. Leave empty if not used.
- TrackerClicks: OPTIONAL – Clicks as reported in your tracking platform (ClickFlare, Voluum, RedTrack, or any tracking platform not supported by TheOptimizer).. Leave empty if not used.
- TrackerConversions: OPTIONAL – Conversions as reported in your tracking platform (ClickFlare, Voluum, RedTrack, or any tracking platform not supported by TheOptimizer). Leave empty if not used.
- TrackerRevenue: OPTIONAL – Revenue as reported in your tracking platform. (ClickFlare, Voluum, RedTrack, or any tracking platform not supported by TheOptimizer). Leave empty if not used.
- TrafficSourceImpressions: OPTIONAL – Impressions as reported by your traffic source. Leave empty if not used.
- TrafficSourceClicks: OPTIONAL – Clicks as reported by your traffic source. Leave empty if not used.
- TrafficSourceConversions: OPTIONAL – Conversions as reported by your traffic source. Leave empty if not used.
- Cost: OPTIONAL – The cost (spend) as reported by your traffic source. Leave empty if not used.
- TrafficSourceRevenue: OPTIONAL – Revenue as reported from your traffic source. Leave empty if not used.
- PublisherClicks: OPTIONAL – Clicks as reported by your search feed provider (usually platforms similar to Tonic, Sedo, Domain Active). Leave empty if not used.
- PublisherRevenue: OPTIONAL – Revenue as reported by your search feed provider (usually platforms similar to Tonic, Sedo, Domain Active). Leave empty if not used.
- PublisherConversions: OPTIONAL – Conversions as reported by your search feed provider (usually platforms similar to Tonic, Sedo, Domain Active). Leave empty if not used.