Working With SmartLists

Written by Support. Updated over a week ago

While continuously running and optimizing campaigns, besides purchasing traffic for our offers to convert, we also purchase data. Such data and performance insights come at a considerable price when it comes to Native traffic and therefore building and re-using your own lists is the right money-wise move.

What are Smart Lists?

Smart Lists are a collection of known bad/underperforming publisher or site IDs that you want to make sure that are always being blocked on all your campaigns so that you do not waist anymore money on the same items over and over again.

When creating a Smart List you can manually upload a list of publisher or site IDs (for example a know blacklist that you might get from your account manager) or you can connect some rules to it, so that every time a rule blocks a publisher or site ID it will also add it to the Smart List.
This way the list will keep growing with bad/underperforming IDs and the system will make sure to block these IDs on all your campaigns making it some kind of global blacklist.

How to create a Smart List?

In order to create a Smart List, simply go to Smart Lists on the left side panel of TheOptimizer Native interface and then click + New List.

In the New Smart List configuration screen you need to specify the following:

Name: Specify a friendly name for the Smart List you are creating.

Type: Select Blacklist from the drop-down menu.

Traffic source: Select one of the connected traffic sources in your account.

Widgets: Leave blank if you would like to create your smart list from scratch or paste in the list of widgets you would like to include to this list.

Rules Writing to this List: Select the rules based on which this list will be automatically populated. This means that every widget blocked by these rules will be added to this list.

Campaigns Reading from the List: Select the campaigns that you want to use this list. This means that every selected campaign will automatically blacklist the widget ids present in this list.

Updated on September 25, 2024
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