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  4. 6. How to generate various Facebook reports
  5. How to generate a Facebook cross-account report with TheOptimizer

How to generate a Facebook cross-account report with TheOptimizer

The Reporting section is useful when you need to generate performance reports across multiple connected accounts, campaigns, ads, ad sets, and even multiple traffic sources.

A cross-account report will show you how your connected Facebook ad accounts are performing in one single overview. Here is what you need to do:

Step 1: Head over to Reporting on the left-hand side menu bar, and go to the Ad Accounts tab

Step 2: Select Facebook as your traffic source from the drop-down list

Step 3: Select a data timeframe, spanning from Today, up until Last 6 months

Step 4: Break down data by day, month, or year

Step 5: Click on Apply to generate your report

Step 6: Optionally, you can download this report as a CSV or Excel file

How to generate a Facebook cross-account report with TheOptimizer

Next step: Generating a cross-campaign Facebook report

Click here to learn more about how to generate a cross-campaign report.

Updated on November 22, 2023
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